Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I remember a while back when some small town PD

posted a picture on Facebook one of their officers with some kind of a bazooka anti tank weapon aiming it out onto a piece of road and reminded the townspeople that they ought to slow down there.

It WAS pretty funny and it actually served a purpose which was to remind the locals that they should keep their speed down.

Personally I chuckled and thought highly of a chief that had such a good sense of humor but a lot of other people didn't. My guess is the complainers were out of towners.

I bet most of the locals grinned when they saw the picture. I'm sure the officer in the picture was a rather popular local policeman. Generally when someone poses a picture like that they pick someone that everyone knows as being a good guy or at least a halfway decent sort. 

Anyway, a bunch of crybbies, snowflakes, whiners and do-gooders carried on and moaned, wailed and gnashed their teeth screaming that the police had no right to shoot at passing cars with a damned bazooka.  

It was actually funny reading the comments they made.

Again, Ron White is proved correct again. You can't fix stupid.

I suppose that maybe they do have a point, though. Someone told me Russian police cars sometimes carry RPGs to end chases. They very well may but you have to realize that the very snowflakes that were appalled at the thought of a cop with a bazooka are the very people that want to switch our government over to socialism and  bring that sort of thing on

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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