Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Covid has very little to do with the disease. It's all about politics and I hate it.

There in no source whatsoever that I trust other than one or two people and they admit that they are not really very much in the know.

Right now it's all rumors, stories, conjectures and whatever tales of woe someone can either make a buck or gain power from. I'm tired of it all.

Biden is screaming at us to get vaxxed now because he can get the credit for the vax rushed through by Trump. On the other hand, if people that get the vaccine start dropping like flies he gets to pin it on Trump. It's all a political game. It has nothing at all to do with the health and well being of the people and everything to do with money and power.

Vax, don't vax, your choice and I can't say I hold it against you either way. It's politics and NOT science. In order to make a decision you have to figure it out for yourself. You don't know who is lying about what.

Before the election when Trump got the ball rolling and let the vaccine be developed and released even though it was and as of now still remains experimental Biden and Harris were both telling peopleit wasn't safe. It's still considered experimental and therefore it isn't safe according to the FDA.

Yet Biden and Harris are trying to strong arm the rest of the public to take it before it's approved. I can't say as I blame people for not wanting an unapproved substance in their body. I'll be damned if I'm going to coerce anyone into that doesn't want the damned thing.

I hear a lot of people blaming the unvaxxed people for ruining things but I'm really not so sure because I have heard other places that vaxxed people can be spreaders. It wouldn't surprise me either way so as far as I am concerned the unvaxxed have every right to complain about the vaxxed ruining things.

Of course I am hearing all sorts of things and the need for a booster shot keeps coming up more and more. 

I have also read a few sob sister stories of unvaxxed people dying in hospitals begging for the shot and being told it's too late. In the background they hear a guy pushing a cart shouting "Bring out your dead!" I question these because they all sound like they have been written by the same person with the same format. It seems to be agenda driven.

I've also heard of people in their death rattle being cured miraculously with Ivermectin and/or HCQ. Three days later they are released from the hospital to go off to run the Kentucky Derby or something. (Hey, it's used for horses so why not?) If so than any physician that doesn't use it is guilty of negligence and deserves to have his license yanked.

The logic of the antivaxxers makes sense when you think about it. It's unapproved, it doesn't prevent the disease and if it was really the right thing to do it would not require a booster. 

The vaxxers claim that although you can still contract the disease you won't get hit as hard and require hospitalization. The antis claim the majority of the hospitalized cases have had the vaccination. I have seen no trustworthy evidence either way. None.

It's always "I heard." or "somebody said." OR it's from the mainstream media and I do not believe them at all.

If course this lets people feed on their fears and I know a lot of people on both sides that are in hysteria over the damned thing and there's nothing you can do to settle these people down. Some people waving vaccine passports while wearing six masks shreiking at non vaccinated people and antivaxxers are shouting back. Both sides are blaming each other for the spread of the disease. 

It's doing a wonderful job of pulling us apart while the Swamp sneaks God only knows what past us. The divisiveness works in their favor. We're too busy fighting among ourselves.

Like just about everything else that comes down the pike it's all about money and power. Don't let your fears run your life.

It it real? I believe the disease is real. I also believe it can be fatal in a small number of cases but it's not the Bubonic Plague some people think it is. Don't believe everything you hear, either. BOTH sides lie through their teeth. Settle down and take your own counsel. It's really all you can do.

As for the Delta varient? I just heard that in the UK they are  saying it spreads a lot faster but it is weaker then the original. Some people are beginning to say that this is a sign that it is dying out. While plausable, I'm not betting on it because I simply do not trust anyone to give me the honset information.

In other news I read where murders in Washington DC outnumber Coronavirus deaths by almost 3:1. I can easily believe that knowing Washington DC.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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