Sunday, August 29, 2021

Not unless you have $200 cash in your pocket.

The great idiot shortage of 2021 is a lie. It is a liberal hoax. The year is chock full of idiots that think they're special.

Take those charged wires for example. There's always an idiot, more often than not a classical Karen that would take one look at the sign, look at the wires and say, "But they're ugly!" and try to move them.

Of course she'd be fried and as far as I am concerned the world would be a better place for it but that's just me.

Unfortunately few Karens have enough forethought and consideration to make sure they had $200 cash in their bag to pay the fine after they fried themselves. As usual the rest of us foot the bill.

Actually $200 is a pretty inexpensive price for cleaning up a fried wire-mover. It's a deal at twice the price. There's a lot of work involved in cleaning up that kind of a mess. First you have to uncharge the wires. Then you have to call the meat wagon and get a couple of guys with brooms, shovels and a carboard box to put the smoldering mess into. If they are still on fire you're going to need a CO2 extinguisher to put them out before you shovel them up.

It's a fairly expensive process and the $200 fine doesn't mitigate it very much. 

Too many people out there thing that the rules of math and physics don't apply to them and that they can get away with things because they are special. 

Ever watch some of them at a checkout when the total comes up? 

A lot of them start to look around in a state of shock and realize that they are going to have to pay the bill out of their own handbag because Prince Charming took the day off.

Once I was behind one and she looked at ME as if I was going to cough  up $250 for her groceries.

I simply said, "Looks like Prince Charming took the day off and you're going to have to pay for your own stuff."

She gave me a very dirty look and the cashier almost wet her pants laughing.

Anyway, if I were to run into a wire mover in action I would tell them to make damned good and sure they had $200 cash on them to pay the fine afterwards.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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