Thursday, August 15, 2019

But we gotta do something!

I hear that an awful lot over time.

Every time there is a disaster of some sort, either natural or man made I hear people come up with a useless solution and when I point out that it won't work the defense is more often than not the usual "But we have do something!"

It is always a knee jerk reaction that a new law must be passed following any tragedy.

First thing we should do is calm down and thing before we enact legislation and ask if the legislation really would do any good at all.

Generally if there is a shooting, bombing, arson or something along these lines people want guns, explosives, accelerants or whatever either banned or regulated.

Let's think about that for a second. Timothy MacVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City federal building some years back and I heard a lot of people instantly say they ought to outlaw the possession of explosives.

Oh? What are road builders, building demolition teams and other construction types going to use? Besides, MacVeigh didn't go out to Honest Joe's Dynamite store and purchase ready made explosives, he made his own out of fertilizer and diesel fuel.

You want to outlaw those two ingredients? Plan on having to walk home, starve and freeze in the dark. The very food you eat requires those two ingredients to be able to grow and deliver a lot of the food we eat on a regular basis.

The truth is that we should really admit that there's a whole lot we can't do if someone decides to so something along those lines. 

I suppose that we can pay attention to what we hear and see but a lot of perpetrators of these crimes tand to keep to themselves.

Then again, there's the other way of dealing with it.

You look at the statistics and realize that the odds of being a victim of sorts isn't very high and just live with the risks.

Your odds of dying in an auto wreck are an awful lot higher than being the victim of a bombing or mass shooting. Even though we have had school shootings the most dangerous thing schoolkids face is going to and coming home from school.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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