Saturday, August 31, 2019

One of the things people don't realize is that you can only get into

so much trouble.

Back when Tokie was alive the little kitty and I raised some holy hell. We could have been thrown in jail for our antics...or at least I could have.

Still, it wasn't likely that I would get any serious jail time for our doings. Generally I would be looking at a fine of some sort and maybe a few days in the county stir. They were not likely to give a mischief maker and real time unless I crossed a serious line and injured someone or tore up some serious property.

One of the things I learned early is that there generally is a limit of what the system can do to a person. I learned that even as a school kid. Once I learned what the general scenario was I was pretty much free to do what I saw fit as I have a halfway decent nature.

Even on the ride home I look at the odds and the scenario if I am caught. The speed limit on the PA turnpike is 70, they police don't stop a person driving 77 or under and seldom stop anyone until they go past 80.

My pickup doesn't like to run 80 so while I suppose I could get stopped the odds are slim and even if I do and the officer does ticket me for speeding it's a fairly small fine and the loss of a couple of points. I have no points against me now so I suppose I can afford one ticket.

Anyway, even if I do get stopped and ticketed it's not like I'm going to go to jail or be shot at dawn or hanged for it.

To no small or great extent I generally do what I want although I suppose that I do control myself. I can think of one guy I would like to settle a score with but if I am patient he will likely do something stupid and I can simply stand back and be entertained. He has pissed off a few other people, too and one of them mentioned the desire to cut down his pride and joy tree.

While I certainly won't help him do it I will most certainly loan him my chain saw if he decides to. I do have a couple of copper nails if he wants them. That would do the trick a lot more quietly. Maybe I'll suggest that.

Come to think of it, He's also pissed off a number of the local kids and Halloween is just around the corner...

Back on track, There really is a limit as to how much trouble can be dished out by the system. Of course you can be executed but they can't eat you. Of course, execution is reserved for capital crimes.

But we are not talking about hatchet murder here. We're talking of things of a lesser scale.

A punishment is supposed to be severe enough to deter someone from doing or not doing something.

The punishment for robbing a bank isn't a $50 fine or every bank in the country would have been robbed countless times. The robbers would simply peel a fifty off the top and tell the bank teller to give it to the judge and be off scot free.

Still, sometimes the system screws up. I always get a kick out of someone that gets suspended for hooking school. It makes no sense. 

One has to look long and hard at the punishment the system can deal out before one decides on a course of action. More than once I have looked at what doing something would cost me and decided it was worth the price and did it. Actually I don't ever remember getting caught.....

One of the thing I learned in the army is that they can't draft me.

Let'd leave it at that.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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