Sunday, August 11, 2019

Someone tried to tell me the First Amendement doesn't permit hate speech.

It actually does. Why should it not?

Then again, one has to define hate speech and it really ought to not be defined because depending on who defines it we could ALL wind up in trouble. 

Actually the First Amendment doesn't mean there are no consequences to people speaking out. It simple means the government can't impede it in any way. This doesn't man people can't respond to what has been said.

An example of the latter is the woman that posted pictures of herself disrespecting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Her employer fired her for that. Fair enough. Actions have consequences.

Still, the government can't punish her for it nor should they be allowed to.

One of the things people forget about free speech is that it allows anyone to speak up on anything. One thing people also tend to forget is that it lets an awful lot of true haters out themselves.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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