Sunday, March 22, 2020

For some reason I am either loved or hated on Neighborhood dot com.

Because I don't do stupid and do not suffer fools very well.

A couple of weeks ago someone was griping (legitimately) about some kind of solicitor handing out on their front porch. Most of the early replies suggested calling the police which I thought was reasonable.

Of course I suggested answering the door while wielding a Kukri because it sends the message that not only is he going to get killed but he is also going to get hacked up and thrown into the family stew pot.

Of course some woman took the bait and demanded to know how hacking someone up would serve a legitimate purpose. She also expressed a displeasure with the idea of cannibalisn.

 I pointed out that food these days is getting expensive and I have a large family to support and cutting a corner here and there is necessary to make both ends meet.

She went off and babbled the police ought to get a warrant and dig up my back yard.

I told her I certainly hope someone digs up my back yard because it would save me a lot of work in a couple of weeks when I plant my annual marijuana crop.

I remember when I thought God hated me and kept sending me idiots to deal with. Finally I discovered God's love for me. He was really sending those idiots my way to keep me entertained.

Thank you, God, for sending me yet another blithering idiot and making me laugh.  

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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