Sunday, April 17, 2022

You have been beaten, Vladmir.

You can pour on the coal and occupy Ukraine and you still will lose. Now that you have Ukraine how are you going to keep it? The entire country will become a mass of snipers, IEDs and ambushes. You are not wanted there and over time the Ukranians will throw you out just like the Afghans threw you out.

They will grind you down and you will go back home weaker and poorer for your efforts.

At one point you looked rather foolish but that time has past. Now you just look outright stupid. Yes, stooo-pid. 

You have sent your young conscripts in to be chewed up and further weaken your country and the Russian Army has been shown to be a paper tiger instead of the once feared source of Russian strength.

You keep sending in more and more of your young people in to get chewed up but I suppose that's OK because they are not YOUR children.

Right now it doesn't matter if you do finally occupy the Ukraine because world opinion of the Russian Army has already been formed. No matter how much shinola you apply to the Russian Army it will still look like a turd for years to come.

The iconic image of this entire war will forever be a captured Russian tank being towed away by a Ukranian farmer driving a tractor.

It's over, Vladmir. Accept it. You lost.

You may eventually occupy Ukraine but you have lost.

On another internet board someone asked what this year's May Day parade will look like. The first person to answer said it's likely that the entire parade will be stolen by Ukranian tractors.

Sounds about right. Better post a few more guards to keep it from happening.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Nothing to disagree with here.

    What is sad, is how Putin's popularity *at home* has actually gone up quite a bit because of all this. That's not the Russians saying so either, that is western investigative journalists.

    Partly due to Kremlin propaganda, but largely due to the severe Western sanctions against Russia, which hurt the common peasants instead of the oligarchs. They blame US for the escalation, so they also believe the Kremlin when it blames US for the war. The sanctions have backfired horribly from their intended effect.

  2. The only ones that will win here are the banking class, when Russia defaults on a debt payment next month, because the western governments will then seize all Russian state assets held in the west. The same assets that we forbid them from using to make payments on that same debt. That's right... Freeze their western assets, demand debt payment in 'dollars' (held of course, in western frozen assets) then declare them in default when they can't access their dollars for the payment. Then seize their assets and distribute among the western banks.

    That's a really nice strategy for convincing the Russian peasants that we are on their side, if only they kick out the big, bad wolf.

  3. Actually it as explained to me years ago by someone that lived there that Putin was the Russian equivilent to JFK, a very charismatic eader that was loved and respected, hence the memes.

    FWIW I rarely if ever stand for a government, I stand for the people.
