Thursday, September 29, 2022

"I want that garage so clean and sanitary the Virgin Mary

would be proud to grab a Homer bucket, put it in the middle of it and sit down on it and take a dump!"

I screamed at the soda blasters that cleaned up my garage during the post fire cleanup in my best Gunnery Sergeant Hartman voice.

There was probably 2 inches of basically baking soda on the floor.

Then I grabbed a shovel and started making piles of it and ranting and raving. "Well, get moving!" I shouted.

Because we were all starting to get punchy we stopped to laugh. I had managed to pull one out of my ass and my timing was perfect. The laughter was contageous.

It was late and they guys were working well into the night. 

Guys with dirty jobs for the most part live for sarcasm and if you can deliver that out of left field and give them a good laugh and a good 'follow me' example they will do anything in short order.

Every single one of the crew stopped, shook my hand and told me I make things fun.

I was humbled.

It doesn't take much. Sixty bucks worth of pizza and a blast of first rate sarcasm goes a long way with people that have dirty jobs to do.

In the fire recovery I am going through the soda blasters have made the biggest dramatic change.

Mike Rowe and I have a lot of respect for guys like that and letting them know it pays dividends.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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