Thursday, September 1, 2022

On a barge I worked on 'Yonder' was

the twin bitts amidships.

I had to deal with a man that was arguably one of the best tugboat handlers aone one of the worst communicators out there.

EVERYWHERE to him was ''Over yonder."

"Catch a line over yonder," he'd say. "No, not there, over YONDER!"

It was maddening.

Finally I decided that there was no way I could get him to stop using the term so I simply defined it. I told him 'yonder' was the midship bitts and if he told me to go over yonder I would go straight to the midship bitts. Yonder became a specific reference point. He could still use the term but now it was a specific. 

It took some doing but he finally would say things like "Catch a line two cleats ahead of yonder" which was a specific spot. It was the second cleat forewared ot the midships bitts.

It kind of caught on with some of the other people that had to work with him. In the long run it made everyone's job a little easier.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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