Saturday, May 20, 2023

A lot of the rules don't really apply after about 2200.

I generally cruise through residential neighborhoods at or under 25 MPH because I deem it the prudent thing to do and not because of some dopey sign telling me to.

After, say 2300 I'll go a little faster because the kids are inside or at least should be.

Come to think of it, the reason I do this is because of kids under six and grownups over 30. 

The kids six and over have been trained to pay attention and they pretty much do.

What happens often is a person at about 30 starts to forget their training and gets sloppy because they seem to think thay are exempt from the rules because they are not little kids anymore.

That was displayed recently by the 40 something that was riding a bicycle down the middle of the lane. I gave him a quick, muffled toot of the horn and he gave me an arrogant annoyed look and took about a block and a half to get to the side of the road.

I'd seen him before and knew I'd see that arrogant asshole again.

Off to eBay and a $15 purchase.

Next time I saw him ahead of me I ghosted up on him and he got a five second blast from a locomotive horn, panicked and drove up onto someone's lawn.

It should be carefully noted that when I get behind teenagers doing this, a quick, muffled toot and they do pull over and more often wave in gratitude because I didn't give them a long blast like a lot of Karens do. I simply and quietly as possible let them know I am behind them.

I treat the kids with respect and they return it.

Another case of the kids often being much easier to deal with then their parents. 

Back on track. Maybe I ought to change my under 25 until 2200 policy to midnight to avoid adults that might be up. 

Then again, there ought to be a public service announcement made at about 2300 nightly.

"It's 11 PM do you know where your parents are?"

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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