Saturday, May 13, 2023

Over the years I have made references to younger women

like the time at Walmart I told some nosy Karen that I was helping my (nonexistant) girlfriend get her driver's license. Of course it outraged her.

The interesting part about it is I really didn't care a whole lot for younger women back when I was dating. As an old man, if I was thrust into the dating world again the last thing I would look at is a young woman. 

I used to watch 80 YO guys get off of cruise ships with a 20 something draped on their arm and think they were out of their mind. They were not fooling anyone. Shades of Anna Nicole Smith!

In reality between my mid 20s and 30s I dated a number of older women. At the time I was dating for fun and company. I had no thoughts of settling down.

In general I don't care for younger women because they generally have too much youthful stupid drama in their lives. Needless to say, there are a lot older of drama queens but to a certain extent many of them eventually outgrow it. Some don't.

The general requirements (not hard and fast) were as follows.

1. Divorced but not recently, no widows. It's easier to compete with a rat than a saint. 
2. Had to have a child. It avoided the drama of the biological clock ticking away and also greatly reduced the chances of entrapment. Although kids were often a PITA, it was a LOT easier than listening to the biological clock crap.
3. Be self sufficient. 
4. A brain, sense of humor and imagination and comfortable with themselves and their age. The last thing I wanted was a woman still trying to be a teenager or 20 something.
5. The usual assortment of OEM parts and NO DRUGS.

Actually age per se was not a hard and fast requirement, there were a handful of women my own age that pretty much for the bill but not a whole lot. I was trying to avoid the whiney "I wanna go to the club" set as they were too interested in being cool and were obviously caught up in the youthful bull$hit.

Besides the I wanna go to the club set was simply trying to go shopping on my nickel.

One thing for certain is I sure the hell don't want to have to reenter the dating world in this day and age.

It sucked back in the day and I know it's only gotten a LOT worse.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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