Thursday, May 4, 2023

Padlocks suck. So do keys.

Unless you use them daily or at least fairly often.

Today I just ground through three of the bastards because the keys were missing.

I guess a bit part of it is that I never replaced the Big Key Rack after the fire and I should probably do that right now.

I used to keep all the seldom used keys on it but God only knows where they went. 

Then there are the padlocks to deal with. I organized the family padlock collection once. I got all of the keys together and put the proper keys to the proper padlocks on split rings and locked them to the appropriate lock. It was easy. You would just slide one of the keys off of the split ring and open the lock to retrieve the rest of them and go on with business.

Then someone that won't be mentioned bellyached about it and took ALL the keys off of the rings and threw them into the plastic bag because they thought it was too damned difficult to deal with that way.

Next time I find the family padlock collection I swear I am going to throw the entire mess into the trash and start over.

Then there was the time that someone wanted ALL the padlocks keyed alike which is another story because I bought five keyed alike and inside three days that someone decided we needed six.

Hmmm. I see one leftover from shortly after the fire.


It's in the trash can now!

Come to think of it, I DO own a universal padlock key. It's also called a hammer and it's easier to bust the hasp than the lock but it does the job. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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