Sunday, December 10, 2023

A senior I spoke with a while ago is not going to go into the military

and I told him that was a good idea.

It wasn't long ago that I would have encouraged it. Now I discourage it.

This kid had wanted to be a soldier since he was a child and suddenly took a 180 and is going into HVAV at a nearby community college which I thing is a pretty good idea.

When I aske him why he changed course he told me he wanted to be a real soldier and not have to spend his time listening to a bunch of woke bull$hit.

Can't say as I blame him.

Seems the services have done a Jim Dandy job of alienating their recruitment base with all of the woke crap. Recruiting is down about 25% from reports I get and I bet it will get a lot lower than that.

The Army has recently tried to recruit the very people it threw out for refusing the Covid vaccine. It would be interesting to find out how few of them will accept the offer. Needless to say, of the few that will accept the offer are likely the very deadbeats they really don't want but will be forced to accept.

They did it to themselves.

As of a couple of years ago I recommended the military for youngsters coming out of high school. Not anymore. My opinion happens to be shared with a number of other veterans I have spoken with. It's really a shame but that's the way it is.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. I'm a Vietnam Vet from the Tet Offensive era, and with what is going on in the services today would never join or allow myself to be drafted.
