As most readers know I have no real animosity towards the LGBTQ community whatsoever. My attitude has simply been ''Go in peace'' which is fair enough.
In fact I really don't judge people as a group but rather as a bunch of individuals. I deal with people on a case by case basis.
I do have a TG nephew and as I have thought it over time and again over the past few years I think that in his particular case transgendering was probably a pretty good idea. He truly sucked at being a chick. As a female he was a real pain in the a$$. He had every whiny little girl way habit there was. He was a whiny little annoyance. Now he's a pretty good guy to have a beer with. I enjoy his company.
I mentioned this to another nephew and he laughed and commented "It's probably the first time he's been comfortable in his own skin." He was probably right.
Still, much to his credit he waited before making the change until his brain was fully developed which was a wise choice. You can't go back on a lot of these procedures and it is a case of having to do it right the first time.
Personally I think that any doctor that performs any type of TG surgery or treatment that can't be easily undone on anyone under the age of 21 belongs in jail and have his license pulled. The brain hasn't fully developed yet and should be before anything that can't be undone should be performed.
The overwhelming majority of the straight community don't really hold anything against the LGBTQ community on a personal basis and I'm one of them. My libertarian attitude towards people of good will is go in peace. If you dig through umpteen years of my posts you will see my go in peace attitude show through.
As for gay marriage? Frankly I think the government should get out of the marriage business and instead provide civil unions for any couple that wants one. Marriage should be a religious institution. Wanna get married? Go see the preacher and if he wants to marry you he will. If he doesn't want to then find a preacher that will or go without. It's not fair to force someone to perform a religious rite on someone whose religion prohibits it. There are more than enough preachers who will.
Same goes for things like wedding cakes. If a baker doesn't want to bake you a wedding cake then go find someone else. You don't have a right to force someone to go against their religious beliefs. After all, it's their business and not yours. You wouldn't want someone to tell you how to run your business.
Groomers do not belong in schools. It is NOT OK to have drag queens read to children and promote an LGBTQ lifestyle in schools. For that matter don't push the straight lifestyle on them, either.
Just leave the kids alone and let nature run its course and as individuals they'll figure out who they are. Kids have figured out who they are since Day One and that hasn't changed. They don't need a bunch of advocates charging in and confusing them. Leave them the hell alone.
Over the past few years I've discussed the general attitude toward the average straight working stiff and the LGBTQ community and almost to a man they have pretty much agreed that they carry no animosity to LGBTQ people on a personal individual basis. Most of us don't give a person's sexuality a second thought. You are what you are.
It's the LGBTQ organizers we have a problem with.
Virtually everyone I have talked to is sick and tired of the parades and other ways and having your sexuality thrown in our faces. We don't have straight pride parades or things of that nature. In fact I daresay if the straight community did decide to hold a straight pride parade the accusations of homophobia and other carrying on would be epic.
Fair is fair. If it's OK to have a gay pride parade then it's fair to have a straight pride parade. Same holds true for the racial issue. If it's OK for Al Sharpton to lead a parade then it's OK for David Duke to lead a parade.
We're also sick and tired of having things rubbed in our faces by so-called woke companies using various figures to endorse their products. Many of us speak with our wallets as the Bud Light people and others have found out the expensive way.
The overwhelming majority of us bear no real animosity to LGBTQ individuals but most of us don't care for the self-appointed leadership of the community pushing their agenda.
In fact after the Pulse nightclub shooting a number of the LGBTQ community members reached out to the shooting community asking where they could get training in the lawful use of firearms for self-defense and a large number of shooters welcomed them aboard and offered them instruction. It was interesting to watch the good old boys show the gay community some kindness and compassion by offering to help teach them to defend themselves.
That in itself says a lot when a bunch of redneck gun nuts offer to help out the very people that many of them would have routinely bashed about 20 years ago.
Personally I'm on the list of potential instructors for Operation Blazing Sword and many years ago I offered to help the Pink Pistols out if they needed any.
At a pro 2nd Amendment some gay guy asked me to hold his sign while he answered the call of nature. The sign read 'gun rights are gay rights' and I was happy to do so. Someone took my picture while I was standing next to someone holding a sign that read 'armed fags don't get bashed'. Constitutional rights apply to all citizens. Fair enough.
From what I have gathered the so-called $hit stirring leadership of the LGBTQ has found a way to make a buck on it somehow or another. They NEED homophobia just like people like Al Sharpton need racism.
If racism disappears overnight then Al Sharpton's gonna have to go to work at the car wash. If homophobia disappears then the LGBTQ 'leadership' is going to be competing for Al's job at the Suds-a-Matic over on 8th Street and you can bet they don't want THAT to happen!
If you want to call me a bigot, a racist or homophobic because I hold everyone to the same standards and treat everyone equally than have at it.
To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY
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