Monday, January 11, 2010

I've had a couple favorable comments from the troops

which is wonderful.

I was actually hoping that a few of our troops would find this blog somehow and pass it on to their people. If I can draw so much as a chuckle from some poor bastard out there, than this has all been worth it.

I've drawn a couple of comments from some GIs. Thank you. This blog is actually for you.

Your comments are not only welcome, but encouraged. Feel free, My shoulders are broad and I know I might inadvertantly piss someone off.

We do a pretty rotten thing to our young people; we send them off to war. Old men make wars, young men fight them. It ain't fair, but that's the way it is. Their job requires the resilliance of youth.

About the only thing I can say about sending old men out to do the job is this: Young men spend about 99% of their time thinking about sex. Old men spend about 98% of their time thinking about sex. This gives us old farts twice as much time to think about the job out there.

Other than that, I suppose it is still a young man's game.

Mike Rowe of the Discovery Channel has a show called 'Dirty Jobs'. He visits pig farms, sewer workers, this sort of thing. It's an interesting show, but he really ought to go visit our guys overseas. War is probably the dirtiest job of all

To the guys out there living in primitive squalor so I don't have to, all I can say is this: This blog's for you.

I'm humbled to have you guys out there for me.


Sir, it was most generous of you to volunteer to watch the Murphy children tonight so Tom could take the Missus out on their aniversary, but I really do think that this taser is NOT the proper tool to insure the children eat their vegetables.

Piccolo's Butler

1 comment:

  1. The butler needs his own Blog 'Things Piccolos Butler says" and mass marketing. It is hilarious, you write it and I'll market it for you.

