Sunday, January 10, 2010

The QVC channel mop

is something Neighbor Bob mentioned to me last night when I mentioned cleaning the kitchen and bathroom floors.

Yesterday I fulled up my household pail with a couple gallons of water, added a dalloop of soap and then threw a rag into the water and took it upstairs and got down on the old hands and knees and cleaned the kitchen and batheroom floors that were getting a little dingy. The whole process, from the time I picked up the bucket until I emptied it took no more than fifteen minutes.

Bob confessed to doing the same thing the same way down at his place a couple of weeks ago when he decided to help his wife with the weekend chores at the Neighbor Bob household.

It took him about the same amount of time.

Most of my house is hardwood floors, his is carpeted, which means the only floors that have to be mopped are the kitchen and bath. I guess most homes are like this.

Enter a lot of people and the QVC channel.

Bob explained to me that his wife uses a number of tools she bought on the QVC channel to do the same job. There's a wheeled pail that holds about 7 gallons of water and has a mop wringerr on it. There's also this special self wringing mop and a certain kind of special flooor soap.

Now, all of this stuff is advertised to save the purchaser a lot of work, time and effort.

And I suppose it would, at least if your entire house had linoleum floors.

So, OK, let's mop the floor her way.

First you dig the behemoth out of the closet and empty the boots and mittens out of it, then you wheel it into the kitchen, and grab anther pail to fill it with because it's too big for the sink...

You get the general idea. By the time you have gone from complete start to complete finish you have spent the better part of 2 hours and the floor is probably not even as clean as it would have been had you used a rag and a pail.

If you were cleaning the floor at, say a department store, or even the entire tiled floor of a house the QVC tools would be just the ticket, but we're only talking about a small kitchen and a small bathroom.

Sometimes you have to look at something and decide if it's worth the trouble or not.

I'd wager A lot of the stuff sold today isn't.


Sir, Why is there sawdust all over the floor of this tap room?...It isn't sawdust?...Oh, I see....Last night's furniture?....Oh.

Piccolo's butler.

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