Friday, July 2, 2010


is what I am doing right now.

Like most people, I hate to wait.

I've been up since 0500, showered and full of a solid 'invasion day breakfast' consisting of a pound and a half of steak and three eggs.

The crew is supposed to be here today, and I hope there is no let down, as that would drive me out of my mind. One of the things that drive me stark staring bonkers is a no-show, and that is pretty frequent in the contracting business. COntractora are always getting jammed up on a job.

With Joe Contractor, it is generally a phone call to get the lowdown, but these guys are not Joe Contractor, they are Amish and therefore have little in the communications area.

We'll see what happens.

Will report as I can.

my other blog is:

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