Thursday, September 22, 2011

back at it

It is the middle of the night and I am back in the swing of things. For me it is going to be a midnight watch which I have not had in a long time.

I’m glad to actually do this as I worked this watch for years and like it because there are fewer outside interferences. There are less administrative dealings at night and life is a bit slower and things are a lot less formal.

Right now I am sitting and waiting as there has been a transfer delay.

I lead a double life. At home I have little schedule and do not really have to plan a lot in advance, out here it is a disciplines life. All in all it seems to be a pretty good balance.

A lot of us kid each other that we could never do a 9-5 thing and for me there is a lot of truth in that statement because I do not see how I could stay focused on a 9-5 gig day in and day out unless it was damned interesting.

I just caught up on Michael Yon’s blog. It is interesting and he certainly is talented. He and I share one bias; we support the troops.

One of the guys out here has a soon in the Navy. The son made PO-3 in pretty good time. He seems to take after his father who is a pretty squared away guy.

The father has no military background whatsoever and it was interesting watching the father learn about how it’s done. What was interesting was seeing the father look in amazement at how much responsibility the son was given at such an early age. In the civvie world things do not happen that way.

I am posting early as I have the time to do so now.

my other blog is:

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