Friday, September 2, 2011

So where did all the money go?

We simply gave it all away.

What? You say we gave it away?

Damned straight.

We gave it away to a lot of people that are either too lazy or too stupid to take care of themselves or didn't have the sense to get off of their asses and move to where the money was.

We gave it away to yet another generation of welfare recipients that really have had no reason to get a job because they get a government check with a lot less effort than it would take them to earn a paycheck.

We gave it away to third world dictators and tribal leaders under the guise of foriegn aid where little of it actually got to the hungry people we were trying to feed. The little guys starved anyway so it really did nobody any good other than some corrupt foreiegn leaders who didn't need it in the first place because they had already robbed their people to the point of starvation. If we were trying to feed people maybe we should have simply set up a bunch of chow lines and fed them directly. Or better yet, simply whacked those 'tribal leaders' or crooked dictators that were robbing the people to begin with. Then the people there might be able to take care of themselves.

We gave it away under the guise of a war on poverty that has failed miserably and accomplished nothing save to increase the number of dependent people. All the so-called war on poverty did was to encourage people to sit around and collect a 'gubmint check'.

Here, Mister Hillbilly. Here's a nice gubmint check for you so you don't have to get up off of your ass and move somewhere to go and find a job. You can sit right where you are live in the same place and complain that the check isn't big enough to buy yourself a new car every year. What? You don't like the hovel you've called home for the past 8 generations? No problem! Here's a nice section 8 house smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood full of the very people that bust their asses to pay taxes to make this possible.

Enjoy sitting on your new porch while everyone else in your new neighborhood spends all day busting their hump to support you.

While we're at it, here's a cell phone to be able to order a pizza to eat while you sit there. Think nothing of it, your Uncle Sugar knows how to take care of you.

When my standard of living raised because I busted my ass, you comassionate geniuses in Washington raised the poverty level so I had to cough up more for you to give away to those already collecting. As a result the poverty level was raised to the point where I am now living in poverty, except that I have to bust my ass to stay there. If I were on the government tit I would have just about all I have now except that I would be able to sit on my porch and enjoy it instead of busting my hump to keep it so you guys in Washington can give it to those bums too lazy to earn it.

We gave it away by giving federal aid to everyone that could come up with an excuse for a grant. Excuses range from a study on why children fall off of bicycles to God only knows what.

I wish I could have gotten a few million to tell congress why kids fall off of bicycles. Truth is I would have told them for a six-pack.

They fall off of bicycles because they are young and clumsy. Now gimme my sixer of Bud. Thanks. Now what else do you want to know?

(Hey, Bob! Thanks for helping me get this heavy snow blower into my truck. Have a beer. It was free. The Gubmint gave to to me!)

They gave it to farmers not to grow crops and sheepherders to keep raising sheep when the price of wool dropped to nothing instead of having them grow something useful.

We gave more away by coughing up federal aid to every Tom, Dick and Harry that decided to move onto a flood plain and can't seem to figure out why they get flooded out every few years when they should just be left to stew in their own devices. Maybe if they were footing the bill they'd have enough sense to either move or rebuild on stilts.

The government has been pretty generous with the money that the taxpayer busts his ass to cough up out of his paycheck that they have promised to put aside for them. Every time they have gotten ahead they have simply given more of it away. There will soon be none for the people that were promised it.

The people that busted their ass and coughed up a chunk of their pay every week expecting to be able to collect Social Security are in for a sad awakening because the government has simply given it away.

They have funded all sorts of worthless expensive projects with our money and now they are looking agape and wondering where it all went.

Where did it all go?

Our elected officials gave it all away.

Now that I have told you where the money went, how about giving ME a chunk of it for MY services rendered?

Ha! Fat chance!

I don't see any change in the future, either. Ron White really hit the nail on the head when he told us that 'You can't fix stupid'.
Why bother voting?
You can't fix stupid.

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