Monday, September 5, 2011

On being President

I do not know what motivates a person to become President of the United States but I can tell you that whatever it is, it is probably a case of someone wanting to do something for the wrong reason.

Maybe it is the burning desire to be the most powerful man in the world.

Now, the most powerful man in the world is certainly not the most interesting man in the world because the most interesting man in the world sells beer on TV. In my opinion the most interesting man in the world is one hell of a lot more interesting than the President, but that is just my opinion. Then again, maybe you may feel the same way I do. After all, the President cannot speak fluent Russian, in French, and when the President goes to Rome he has to do what the Romans do unlike the most interesting man in the world. When HE goes to Rome, the Romans do as HE does.

Anyway, back to the President, which is not as interesting as the most interesting man in the world, but IS the subject for today's post. Sorry about that.

The first stage on becoming President, of course, is getting elected.
The candidate running for this high office is more often than not interested in simply being a big shot and appears to have little or no interest in doing what is best for the country. He's interested only in ramming his personal agenda down the throats of the American public because he thinks he knows what is good for us. He will promise just about anything to attain the Oval Office.

The candidate will promise just about anything to get into office, even though he knows that it either can not be done or will cost us yet another gazillion dollars in debt that we cannot hope to pay. Of course, ht says he has a plan to finance this at no cost to taxpayers.

The object does not appear to be that the candidate wants to serve the public. It simply appears to be a blatant attempt to become the most powerful man in the world. It is about wielding power and being a big shot.

Over the years I have noticed the desire people have to become top dog and quite frankly, I have had no desire to be the guy at the top. I am simply one of those happy souls that doesn't really give a damn about being some kind of big cheese. I generally ignore those people anyway. An awful lot of other people do, too.

Back when I was recovering from an injury and driving cab there was always a power struggle going on as to who gets to be boss/dispatcher. I stayed out of it and developed my own clientele and generally made more money than they did and kept quiet about it. After all, that was what I was there for. I was there to make money.

I can think of only three presidents that held office in my lifetime that I think really wanted to serve the public and sadly enough one of them was one of the worst presidents we ever had.

Truman, Carter, and Reagan

Harry 'The buck stops here' Truman was there to serve and there is no doubt in my mind about it. He was the only president I am aware of that left the Oval Office poorer than he was when he went into it. Harry had a lot of guts and made some pretty tough decisions. He's all right in my book because he really did care about the working stiff and at least tried to make life a little better for him. He also was an Old School democrat that wan't enamored with giving everything away, unlike today's generation of Democrats who are running us into the poorhouse at warp speed.

Jimmy Carter was the worst president in US history and only since the election of the present president has he managed to slip down to number two. Still, I would have to say that Jimmy Carter is a very good, decent and compassionate man. He would probably make a good social worker or something along these lines and I would have no problems whatsoever with him being my next door neighbor. Jimmy Carter really wanted to serve and did the best he could.

Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter could not count and knew little if anything about economics. His presidency was marred with double-digit inflation and economic woes that still haunt us. Yes, his presidency was a failure but at least he went into offfice for the right reasons.

Of Carter it is often said that he did more for the country since he got out of office than he did when he was in office. There is probably more than a germ of truth to that.

Ronald Reagan. Need I say more? He went in there to serve and did a great job. I consider his presidency to be quite successful. What is more, he went into the Oval Office to serve the public and did so admirably.

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