Sunday, April 15, 2018

I had a nice chat with and older black woman the other morning.

She was a social worker doing what I was. We were getting our cars fixed an waiting for the work to be done.

She saw my Camp Perry T-shirt and asked me if I was a gun owner. I told her I was and she mentioned her sister and brother in law shoot fairly regularly and she is thinking of getting a firearm for personal protection. I suggested a simple revolver as she didn't seem to be a 'gun person'.

We talked a bit and I laughed and said, "Look at us all," looking at the crowd in the waiting room. "We're all waiting here for our cars to get fixed and we all get along. Now all we need is a government person or some Social Justice Warrior to come in and explain to us how different we are from each other."

She looked stunned for a second, looked down thoughtfully and when she looked up she said, "You're absolutely right."

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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