Sunday, April 21, 2019

I was talking to a cop the other day and he confessed to me

that he recently wrote a ticket that gave him a lot of joy.

Some guy was getting all upset if people didn't come to a dead stop at the stop sign in front of his house and has complained repeatedly about it. He organized the neighbors and got them all to complain. 

The department sent an officer out there to ticket people that didn't stop at it. He told me that he saw no real problem except for one or two scofflaws that he ticketed. He said he did stop several people and gave oral or a few written warnings that he felt really didn't deserve it as they was practically at a dead stop-but not quite- at the sign.

ANyway, he saw someone in another neighborhood just roar through a stop sign and pulled him over and guess who it was?

You guessed it. He was the guy that had stirred up all the $hit over the stop sign in front of HIS house. 

Of course, the officer threw the book at him and I can't say as I blame him.

How come it's never OK for anyone to speed in YOUR neighborhood but it's OK for you to roar through someone else's like it's Thunder Alley?

One time I had someone come charging out and stopped me for 'speeding' and babbled something about his children. I wasn't speeding, I was running the Miata in a low gear and it was a bit loud but that was enough for Joe Citizen to make a problem where there was none.

I was ready for this idiot. "Hey, A$$hole," I shot back. "I was driving 24 in a 25 zone AND you might rethink hiding behind your kids. Your youngest is 31 years old and lives in Mankato, Minnesota!"

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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