Sunday, April 14, 2019

This is funny. Trump gives them what they want and they go stark staring rabid.

The Democrats have been stymieing Trump since Day One on immigration. They have created any number of sanctuary cities and blocked Trump at every opportunity.

Now it seems that Trump has decided to have the border people bus illegals to the sanctuary cities under the old "You want it? You got it!' rule.

Of course the first thing the Democrats screamed is "You can't do that!"

Personally I think it is as funny as all get-go.

I would like to see him drop about fifty bus loads of them in front of Nancy Pelosi's house which I understand is in the San Francisco area.

What will eventually happen is that the illegals will be stacked up in the sanctuary cities and will piss the residents off so much that they will probably throw the city/state leadership out on their ass.

What a lot of these sanctuary city/state leaders forget is that the people that live there are getting pretty tired of walking down the street and stepping in human feces.

There are a lot of people that are going to get pretty sick of it and decide that they don't want things like this in THEIR back yard and that will probably lead to an unintended consequence for the liberals.

I just read where there have been 16 THOUSAND complaints of human feces have been lodged this year in San Francisco. That's a lot of poop.

Of course much has been attributed to the homeless but I can't help to wonder how many homeless are illegal immigrants.

I would imagine that if the feds do what Trump has suggested, sending illegals to sanctuary cities like San Francisco we can see a hefty increase in feces complaints and it may very well lead to a change in city government.

All it will take is a few more people to feel the 'squish' under their feet and catch the aroma of what they have just stepped in.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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