Friday, April 26, 2019

We recently did and emergency communications drill involving a 3 part message.

Three different operators had a part of the entire message and gave it out. 

When an operator got any part of it he'd pass on what he had.

Inside of five minutes the entire message was going all through the world via ham radio. 

The scenario and message were foolish and kind of inane. The plot was that we had to get word out as to how to get past prison guards to rescue Rocky and Bullwinkle who were being held by Boris and Natasha.

The message was: We get some grease/and put it on the floor/and slip past the guards.

A while back we did one where there was a password and a countersign. A guy in New Hampshire released the password and when he got the password, a Hawaiian ham released thc countersign.

The countersign reached the password guy in just a couple of minutes having been relayed through the country by several other hams who in return relayed the originator the countersign. It was about five minutes  for the originator to get the countersign and in the process everyone involved had both in a very few minutes.

I am now tagged to produce another and I do believe it will involve portable field stations.

Maybe pass a message from here (Pittsburgh) to Hawaii and back by going through at least two portable rigs.

It will likely take a lot more than ten minutes but one never knows.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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