Friday, April 19, 2019

Organizations need problems.

MADD needs drunk drivers because if everyone stopped driving while under the influence MADD would likely have to fold up shop and go away. The mad mothers would have to find something else to piss and moan about.

I suppose they would probably want the alcohol limit lowered so as to create drunk drivers so they could stay in existence or try and make it illegal to stop at a liquor store and buy packaged goods on the way home from work or some damned thing.

The same holds true for the SPLC, the NAACP, the various Aryan white supremacist groups, the NRA, the Brady Bunch and just about every group out there.

If the cause the group supports went away the group would be meaningless.

The SPLC is a pretty good example of trying to reinvent itself. Seems I never hear of them giving legal support to poor people anymore. While they very well may they get much of their publicity by keeping their list of hate groups. It would be interesting to note that in spite of their anti police and questionable attitude toward whites that the Black Lives Matter people are not on the list.

I wonder what would happen to them if we all decided to love one another and hold hands and sing Kum By Ya together. I suppose they would find something else to wail and gnash their teeth about. For one thing there is too much money to be made in hate. With hate still out there the donations keep rolling in. Without hate Al Sharpton would have to get a real job.

At one point the FBI used to use them to keep up with the Big Hate Group scene but recently they have stopped using them because of questionable designations of what a hate group is. I imagine that it is a matter of time before Chick Fil A diners are added to the list as being anti LGBTQ even though there is nothing whatsoever in their published mission statement that is anti much of anything.

As far as MADD goes, I read that the original Mad Mother has cut ties with the group because it has accomplished what she set out to do. She wanted to raise awareness and get legislation passed. When she had accomplished her mission she left. Fair enough.

Of course the group now wants to force car makers to install breath locks on all new vehicles and is discussing lowering the threshold of drunk driving down to .05. 

It should be noted that when they managed to get the threshold lowered to .08 there was no significant change in traffic fatalities. In my opinion if it did no good then it should have been raised back to the original .1 on basic libertarian grounds. Lowering it serves no purpose to public safety and is only a revenue generator at the expense of the public they claim to serve.

I suppose it the entire nation stopped using alcohol (Fat chance!) the group would find something else to bellyache about. Incidentally they supported mandatory seat belt use which strikes me as more Big Brother crap that does no real good for the public. I fail to see how someone else not wearing a seat belt is endangering me or anyone else in the general public but the person that voluntarily opted not to buckle up. It's a person's right to decide if they want to use a seat belt or not. Actually I consider the seat belt law to be another revenue generator.

One interesting thing here. 

The NRA is now the big target of hate for the left as they support the Second Amendment. They started off as an organization to promote marksmanship after the Civil war showed the Northern troops had poorer marksmanship skills than the southern troops did.

They eventually entered the political arena supporting the Second Amendment. I'm sure if all of a sudden the various anti Second Amendment laws were repealed overnight the NRA would go back to its beginnings and train people in marksmanship. I bet they are one of a few organizations that have a non political beginning to fall back on.

Of course, my favorite non-organization, the Disinterested Citizens Concern Committee, would not really change very much unless something like a major nuclear war happened. By then it would be too late.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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