Thursday, April 23, 2020

Karens are doing a wonderful job of destroying a constitutional republic.

With apologies to all good women that happen to share the name 'Karen'.

Karens are nothing more than sheltered suburban women that have little true life experience and think with their emotions. They have no real practical sense of the world around them. They also don't understand the concept of liberty unless it is their liberty that is being discussed. Common sense is absolutely out of the question.

Let's look at a simple situation. Most house fires start in the kitchen. Install a fire extinguisher in the obscure corner of Karen's house and explain to her that it is a piece of emergency gear that can save the entire house or even her life and plan on having to remove it. The protest of said fire extinguisher will be the usual reasoning. 

"But it's ugly!"

I'll digress here. Once I had a girlfriend that threw out my beloved flight jacket. When I went looking for it she told me it was ugly so she threw it in the dumpster.

I threw her over my shoulder and took her up to the end of the pier and said, "You're ugly, too." and threw her in the dumpster and said I wasn't letting her out until she gave me my jacket.

She threw it out of the dumpster and I put it on and walked away.

I guess that ended that. 

She did take the issue to the bar and attempt to have me tried by the court of public opinion but that proved to be another fail. She lost by about a 2/3s majority. 

Of course there is always the 1/3 that sides with the woman no matter what. That is to be expected. 

What stunned me is that a small handful of women thought I should have beaten her senseless and left her face down on the pier. Still, the general consensus among the womanfolk is that I had acted appropriately.

One of them was shocked when she was told about it. She replied "You threw his TRADEMARK jacket in the dumpster? He LOVES that jacket! You're lucky he didn't kill you!"

Needless to say she tried defending herself. "But it's ugly!"

She didn't get far. "Maybe he thought YOU were ugly so he threw you in the dumpster!" the woman shot back.

Anyway that's a big part of Karens. In their never ending battle to make ugliness go away they are destroying the very heart and soul of the bill of rights.

They want safety. They want security and they lack the confidence and are either too lazy or stupid to do the work required to achieve any. They are willing to throw the entire Bill of Rights down the crapper to achieve the false sense of security that it will give them.

They demand gun free zones and safe spaces for their children and unwittingly set their kids up to be put at the mercy of whatever whack job decides that he is going to ignore their meaningless signs. 

Actually what they have done is create an excellent undefended kill zone for any lunatic that wants to take advantage of it.

When you ask a Karen who supplies her security you will get a confused deer in the headlights look and she will tell you that the police supply her security. Explain to her that when seconds count the police are minutes away and she gets confused. 

She is convinced that the police will come to the rescue. What she doesn't realize that the only group that seems to show up in the nick of time (and ONLY in the nick of time) is the US Cavalry. Never in the history of the American motion picture industry has the US Cavalry ever showed up too late.

Of course this isn't a movie. She doesn't realize that the police really don't prevent a lot of crime. They simply pick up the pieces.

Karen simply refuses to take responsibility for herself and her brood. She passes the responsibility off to others, mainly government agencies of one sort or the other. To her a gun is like a fire extinguisher. It's ugly.

They scream for an assault on our rights to free speech because they think some speech is ugly yet seem to forget that they are not the ugly police. Of course they hide this under the guise of calling it 'Hate Speech'. It's not their place to judge what speech is ugly and what isn't. They seem to forget that to a lot of us the ugliest speech in the world is someone advocating that We, the People give up our rights. Yet that kind of hate speech pours from their mouths. 

Karen only thinks about herself.

On the next door website I saw a group of Karens wanting to outlaw on-street parking in the township. The problem they said was they have to maneuver. This entails turning a steering wheel a few degrees and maybe slowing down a bit.

They fail to consider that in the general neighborhood the driveways for the most part hold two cars for the two car family. They forget that older children come home from college and need a place to park. Life isn't magic. You can't fit three or four cars in a two car driveway and you can't make them magically disappear.

Of course, some neighborhoods park on the street intentionally just to make people like Karen slow down a bit. The same Karen that will screech about someone driving too fast on HER street will carelessly thunder down SOMEONE ELSE'S. No wonder people park on street to slow the Karens of the world down.

Needless to say the Karens have already successfully gotten parking on one's lawn outlawed. I suppose that in time Karen will have to deal with her brood parking on the street and when they get ticketed she will be the first to run down to the police station and want to talk to the chief. After all, the rules she wants to put on the restof us don't apply to her...or so she thinks.

After all, Karen ALWAYS wants to talk to the manager if she doesn't get her way. If the item on sale is sold out because she waited until the last day of the sale then Karen want's to know why. Some stock clerk or cashier isn't going to give her satisfaction and she know that. She wants to speak to the manager. (Then there is Super Karen. She wants to speak to the district manager.)

Needless to say, the manager is probably going to tell her what the stock boy told her. The item in question sold out halfway through the second day of the three day sale. It had been advertised that sales were limited to what was in stock and no rain checks.

Karen will also hold up the line to argue with a cashier over taking an expired coupon. If you are behind her grab a snack. You're going to be there a while. Karen is also the one that will stand in a long line and when she gets to the front of it will then start trying to figure out what she wants. Again, you're going to be a while.

For Karen it's all about Karen. It would be a damned shame if she had to, say slow down a bit and turn a steering wheel a couple of degrees.

There really is a solution of sorts here. Simply sound off. Don't be afraid to speak up and say, "Hey, Karen! We ain't got all day!"

I have and it works. You embarrass the hell out of these people every chance you get. Tell them to get a life.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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