Monday, March 28, 2022

Freezing someone's bank account is just plain wrong.

In fact I am saddened to realize the government seems to be able to do that to people.

As usual the same gang of imbeciles that thinks it's OK to do it to someone else are going to throw an epic conniption fit when it happens to them.

There is no shortage of stupid people out there that are willing to let the powers that be take something from somebody else but go stark staring bonkers when it happens to them.

Years ago some idiotic skinhead group wanted to hold some kind of a rally and the mayor tried to stop it citing that the rally was racist.

As usual I signed the petition that went around telling the mayor that he didn't have the right to pick and choose who held rallies and got flak about being racist.

I pointed out that the American Communist party has the same rights the John Birch Society has. As a libertaran I had no choice but to stick up for the rights of people I loathe. 

I responded that they wouldn't like their right to hold a rally being stopped because the mayor didn't like them.

Liberty. Sometimes it's a bitch.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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