Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Well, well, well. Back to the electricity argument again.

As I have said before the era of electric transportation is a coming but not until we have the infrastructure in place.

I get sick and tired of explaining to people that electricity is generated in power plants and not an energy that is made in magic boxes in everyone's living room. A lot of the people that believe that that's where electricity comes from have 'science is real' on a sign in front of their homes.

While we are at it, real science IS real. Real science that is.

Not junk science, not someone's guess and not altered numbers and fudged figures and rigged experiments. That's not real science.


One time a woman asked me why she and her husband could not plug their his and hers hair dryers into the bathroom outlet at the same time without blowing a breaker.

I told her that hair dryers use a lot of electricity and when people start getting greedy and take too much than the Electricity Gods permit they punish them for their greed by taking all their electricity away.

"Really?" she asked.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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