Thursday, May 12, 2022

One of the damned few good things that has come out of Covid

is the elimination of that small handful idiots that feel that to communicate they have to stick their face six inches from yours and speak in a loud voice.

Thank God for small miracles. I hope it continues.

One thing it hasn't done is eliminate those that seem to think that what they have to say is the most important thing in the world and that they are the most intelligent being in the universe and prove it by typing in all capitals.

I once called someone out on it and she came back with some heart wretching tale of how she couldn't see well and had to so she could see what she was writing. 

Of course a lot of the Karens took the bait and tried to chastise me for it until I pointed out that you can set your computer so as to make the type bigger in case you do have a vision problem.

Incidentally I recently bought a bible to read and bought it in large type for older adults and those with vision problems. You'll also notice this blog is written in a larger font to make it easier for those with older eyes to read. I don't just type in caps. It's an ignorant thing to do. 

There. Now you don't have to shout anymore.

In fact I'll make it easy for those so afflicted. Start>settings>ease of access> slide the slide> set> done.

You're welcome.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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