Monday, May 23, 2022

Someone wishes they had not called me a racist.

because they were stupid enough to say we should not have voter ID laws.

I said otherwise and they went directly into autopilot and called me a racist because it's so difficult for minorities to get a voter ID card.

"So you are telling me that minorities are incapable of getting driver's and business licenses? They can't sign up for social security, medicare, medicaid, SNAP benefits? They don't know how to simply fill out a form? How about job applications and things of that nature? I know better. They are just as capable as anyone else. That's the most racist statement I have ever heard in my entire life! Racist my ass! It's the racism of low expectation! You don't think they are capable."

"Uhh... Yeah, well...."

"Uhh...yeah, well nothing! Minorities are just as capable as anyone else. You just insulted every single minority in the country! Now go home and get fitted for sheets and be honest about it. You wanna be a racist? Have the decency to look like one."

Not much they could say.

Here's the basic voter rules according to Piccolo.

1. Ya gotta be alive
2. Ya gotta be a citizen
3. Ya gotta register
4.Ya gotta get an ID
5. Ya can only vote once.
6. (depending on your state law) Ya can't be a convicted felon.

Anyone that attempts to vote fraudelently gets handed the Monopoly card. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

That's all. It sounds fair enough to me.

In fact the 'register, get an ID and vote' part was stated by none other than the Left's sainted Nelson Mandela. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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