Wednesday, February 15, 2023

One of the things I have to deal with

is people that don't understand terms like 'about', 'pretty good', 'around' and a few others.

For example the other day I said to someone that a Criterion barrel is a pretty good barrel they countered with "It sucks. Kreiger is a better match grade barrel."

Actually Kreiger is a better barrel but it's also a lot more money and depending on what you are using it for it may not be worth the extra money. The Criterion holds about a minute to the Kreiger's sub minute. Fine. The Criterion's pretty good.

Once I said something cost about $20 and someone looked at the recept and commented that I lied because the reciept said $19.98.

"Bull$hit, I countered. If you knew how to count you would plainly see that $19.98 is ABOUT $20. Whaddaya going to do with two cents?"

It's a pain in the ass when you have to deal with things like that and it happens too damned often.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. At its root, the problem is that some people just have to argue about something. That the argument in question is about semantics, or some other such inconsequential thing, seems not to matter to them.
