As usual some idiot wanted to get a sportsman's club that has been there since long before WW2 to shut down citing noise.
I suggested he write Harrisburg and see about getting skeets put on the endangered species list as they shoot a lot of them at the club. Then I pointed out that Naugas are already on the list. After all, when's the last time you saw a Naugahyde wallet?
I also pointed out that millions and millions of skeets are ruthlessly murdered each year all over the country.
To his credit, he didn't take the bait but he did leave himself open.
"That's not funny!" he posted.
"A lot of us think it is," I shot back.
I got a bunch of 'agrees' and 'laughs' and a couple of 'huhs'?
Later that day I had a magnetic bumper sticker made that reads 'Save the skeets'.
I wonder how that's going to go over at the sportsman's club. My guess is that some Fudd that has no imagination is going to say something stupid about it.
One of the neighbors complained to me about the noise coming from the local pool and yada yada yada.
They don't live too close to it and it's not really loud but I guess it disturbs their thought pattern or something.
I pointed out that I saw somewhere where a heavy metal rock band was looking for a garage or something to rent for rehearsing in and said I could us a couple of bucks.
I told one that he ought to move next to Pittsburgh International and try and get that closed down like a lot of idiots do.
When people do things like that the airport should take a picture of them and put it on billboards labeled 'Idiot of the month. Moved next to an airport. Complains about noise'.
Last year I told someone about individual responsibility and that he was responsible for his own problem because he didn't take the time to investigate potential noise sources beforehand.
I got the usual "Yeah, you know, well, I feel" crap.
Frankly I don't care how somebody feels. It they are suffering a brain blistering hangover and are sitting on the $hitter turning inside out and trying to drag the tub over to puke in it is not my problem, ESPECIALLY because they did it to themselves.
There is now a 'save the skeets' sticker on my pickup.
To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY