is that BOTH SIDES have to play by them.
I learned this in high school. It started during the dress code days that they tried to enforce. One rule read, "No leather or Beatle boots."
No lie. That's what it read.
I generally padded around in basic penny loafers anyway but the rule both sounded stupid and in fact was. They enforced the Beatle boot part but let work shoes and things of that nature slide.
I looked at it and decided that commercial fishing boots were not made of leather and were legal. I wore them and instantly got hauled into the office and told I couldn't wear them anymore.
Needless to say, I told him to show me the rule and he did. I shot back that these were neither Beatle nor leather and got the old "You know what it means!"
"No. I don't," I shot back. "It says specifically in the English language that leather and Beatle boots are prohibited. Let's get the Head of the English department, Mrs. Brown up here to interpret it. I think you are trying to apply a 'say so' law here."
"What's a say so law?" he asked.
"Because I say so." I answered. "You can't make the rules up as you go along."
'Yeah, well, yada yada yada."
"Look, I don't make the rules. I just have to obey them and that's what the rules say." I replied.
The following year I got caught up in one of those 'blanket punishment' deals where everybody pays unless they rat the guilty party out. I was supposed to spend a week in detention over that because someone threw a penny and the game was we all suffer unless we rat out the guilty.
Anne Frank is safe with me and I thought the blanket punishment business was bull$hit so I didn't show up and the next day was promptly hauled down to the office.
I got the usual threats and I stood my ground and stated that the only sins I would pay for were my own. Then I pointed out that they had no evidence whatsoever I had anything to do with throwing the penny.
When he threatened me with a week's detention for everyone I missed and eventual suspension I said, "I want to speak to my attorney. Looks like Paul Jenkins ot himself a client. I have a right to use the phone during study hall and I've got a dime in my pocket."
Jenkins had made the school board back down on something a while earlier and it was common knowledge he had an in for them.
He caved and told me he's let ME off but I had to keep my mouth shut. I walked out and while I never went and told anyone, I was questioned by a couple of classmates and I answered their questions honestly.
Word went through the class like $hit through a goose. Some parents got the word and as a result this blanket punishment crap came to a screeching halt.
The first time I questioned the system was over gum in Jr High. (How cliche!) When I got the usual "Did you bring enough gum for everybody?" line I shot back.
"Whaddya you some kind of communist off-brand type that doesn't believe in free enterprise? I bought this gum with my own money and I can share it with whoever I please."
"See me after class," he said.
After class he spoke. 'Here's a late slip for your next class," he said, handing it to me. "YOU are absolutely right. That line of thinking IS communist and I am not one. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will never say that again." And he sent me on my way.
He never did, either. He reprimanded several students for chewing gum but never did play the 'Did you bring enough gum for everyone?' game again.
Note here. The previous year I got that did you bring enough gum for everyone line and started handing out gum as my stash was big enough to share with everybody.
I got an hour for that one.
In my senior year another student tried to argue the Constitutionality of a school rule with a teacher and she was stunned and said, "You don't really believe that, do you?"
I interrupted, "You're damned right I do. Some time in the next couple of years I very well may be drafted and sent to Vietnam to defend that Constitution that you so easily set aside over a petty argument. I very well may get killed defending it so show a little respect for it."
You could have heard a pin drop.
For some reason the best way to get to the system is to make THEM play by their own rules. It's in 'Rules for Radicals' and it's time we make them play their game by the rules that apply to us.
To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY