Thursday, September 14, 2023

The subject of the existing social contract came up the other night

regarding the treatment of women and children.

As is often the case I drew a few wide eyes when I simply said it was a social contract between men, women and children and as such all three parties were required to keep up their end of the bargain.

Of course someone didn't get it and I simply pointed out that it's always been that way. For example, back in the 60s during the Vietnam protests the protesters gave the war cry, "Chicks up front!" figuring the LEOs wouldn't rough them up. 

IIRC the first time they sort of got away with it, at least to a point. The next time they found out it didn't work very well. The women violated the contract and lost the protection of it because by their behavior they had rendered the contract null and void. The LEOs subsequently retaliated as needed.

I have a friend that had a very short lived relationship with a crazy chick that pulled a knife on him one night because another women left a message on his phone butler. It was actually a coworker but crazy is crazy and she grabbed a knife and went after him. Somehow without getting cut he managed to shove her and she fell over something and hit her head on a coffee table and promptly called the police. Of course, under the rules that be, he was carted off and spent the night in jail until things got sorted out. Charges were dropped.

The instant that women pulled out the knife the social contract became null and void. Actually before she grabbed the knife she had hit him a couple of times so by the time the knife came out the contract was already null and void. (Still, he held off defending himself until the knife came out.)

I also pointed out that an eleven year old boy had gotten his hands on a pistol somewhere and tried to rob a store of some sort only to get two rounds in the X-ring. 

The usual suspects were horrified and wanted the storekeeper charged. 

My take on it was 'Charged? For what? He did nothing wrong.  He didn't lose his right to legitimate self-defense." When a child picks up a weapon they lose their protection under the contract. They then become a legitimate target. 

Actually the same thing happens when a child picks up a microphone and enters the arena. I laughed at Greta Thunberg and someone said, "But she's only a child!" Guess what? She lost her protection under the contract when she entered the fray. I pointed that out and said that when she makes and attack on people they have a right to verbal and written self-defense. 

I've said this all along. Things only go so far.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Once again, right on the money Pic. Well said.
