Thursday, September 21, 2023

Our McDonalds can beat your McDonalds.

Sounds about right to me.

I'm somewhat sick and tired of the upcoming football season and Steelers mania here in the Pittsburgh area.

This town has a serious football problem and a few years back when the Penn State scandal happened I suppose they grudgingly threw Jerry Sandusky to the wolves but a lot of people stuck by 'Papa Joe" Paterno who was as guilty as Sandusky.

When you cover for a pedophile you are almost as guilty as he is.

I remember the guy with his wife and son that called me on my 'Pedo State' T-shirt. 

I shot back that maybe if it's so important to him he could give his son to the sick bastard and when the boy cries out in the night he could comfort him by telling him how important it was to win the big GAME.

The wife had the decency to be embarrassed. He didn't and doubled down. He kept supporting him.

I hope she tore him a new one that night.

As for tons that don't have professional football teams they could have their downtown McDonalds compete against another city's McDonalds.

Everyone that supports their city's McDonalds could pork out breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonalds and show their support by turning into beach balls.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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