Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Someone once asked me why I change names in my posts.

My reply was, "You want me to announce to the world that I was banging your grandmother? Tell everyone about how good she was in the sack? Golf balls and garden hoses? That sort of thing?"

"Uhhh....Well, no." he stammered.

"How about the time your father sold me a pretty good bag of weed. three hits of acid, a bag full of uppers, downers, laughers and screamers when he was in high school for six bucks?"

"Or the time your mother...."

Wide eyed, he stammered "No!"

"Well, if it's not OK to drag you into it personally, it's not OK to drag anyone else into it, right?" 

There it is. There are a lot of people I interacted with in one way or another that are still alive now and for that matter so are their families. 

Many of them married after the incident that took place. Some have children. Many of them are still alive. A number of them are still working. 

It's a thing called human decency and basic dignity and while I may have had my savage moments here and there it's just a rotten thing to drag up things that people may not (or may still) be proud of.

Then again there's my long dead friend Blaine that probably would have been proud of his famous quote of "Why not? I've never been kicked out of a whorehouse before and it'd look pretty good on my resume." He died young, never married or had kids. Orphans don't have to give a $hit. I miss him. He was a character.

If he's looking down from wherever now I'd bet he's grinning. 

Still the point is that with whatever sins I have committed over the years are mine and all mine and I an NOT going to drag somebody else into it just to get a laugh at someone else's expense.

On the other hand, a laugh at my expense doesn't cost anyone anything.  

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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