Sunday, May 6, 2012

It is SUnday morning

It is Sunday morning and I woke up hungry which I do on Sunday mornings for some reason. Biscuits and gravy ought to do the trick. I'll eat twice today, B&G now and a salad later.

I QSO'd Hungary yesterday afternoon on 17 meters. Budapest.

I have not chased DX (distant stations) much as I have opted for working the States first but now I think I am going to start trying to join the DXCC which means I have to work 100 different countries. I also want to get a QSL card from Cuba which is damned difficult. Another ham reports getting one that was nothing but communist propoganda which is to be expected from that paradise on earth.

For those of you that don't know, there are quite a few hams in Cuba and the father of ham radio in CUba is Arnie Coro who has been on the air with a show called 'DXers Unlimited' since before the Cuban missile crisis. I rememmber him well as a kid from shortwave listening.

He's done a pretty good job of keeping things going in Cuba and he ran the relief net during the Hatian disiaster a while back.

In other news I have a sister that lives in FLorida and I asked her about the Stand your ground law and she told me she really has no probelm with is, commenting. "You have a right to protect yourself."

Then she added, "In your house? Just shoot him no questions asked."

She's quite a character herself, she's done relief work in Central America and a couple of other places and she seriously considered throwing her career away to work for peanuts with kids in Central America.

She's really quite tactful and has a habit of dealing with things without even looking up from her computer or whatever she is reading. Once a black coworker came in and tried to play the race card on her.

She didn't even look up, she told the coworker ,"Ahh, took a stupid pill this morning. Either go to HR and put it in writing or go back to work.  You are going to look pretty retarded calling the person that hired you a racist. Now beat it."

I wish I could have seen the look on the idiot's face. It must have been priceless.

I have a neighbor that is worried about the future and he's kind of a half-assed prepper of sorts. We discussed hunting and things and he mentioned that he would like to learn to hunt someday but I do not picture him doing this as he is simply too damned jammed up with work and family.

Last night something happened and it was just another case of naive stupidity on the part of a church or school type.

Neighbor Bob and I were sitting in the garage when a strange car pulled up across the street and a door down  and they stopped. The were there for much too long and it looked pretty suspicious. I told Bob to watch and I jumped into the basement and grabbed my .45 and stuffed it into the small of my back and wandered over to the car.

"Are you lost?" I asked.

The window came down and the interior light went on and she explained she was dropping little Sally off. I looked into the back seat and saw Sally. "You OK, Sally?" I asked. She nodded.

"Cool!" I said and walked off, returned to my garage and put the .45 away.

These do-good types are pretty stupid as they are very naive and do scary things. Most of them do not have any common sense. Anyone with half a brain should think about what it is going to look like just sitting in a parked car after dark in a residential neighborhood.

In the two decades I have been at this address I have watched the girl across the street grow up and I have kept my eyes open looking out for a number of kids growing up here just making sure it was safe.

It's called being a good neighbor. You get involved.

Several years ago a kid got hit by a car and I was a witness to the entire thing. I called the paramedics and did a little first aid which actually consisted of holding the kid down until the medics got there to keep the kid from making any injuries worse.

(I also caught hell for my witness statement. I listed the cause of the accident as 'parental stupidity'. They were letting their kid roll down the driveway on a Hot Wheels trike directly into the street.)

Right now as I sit here I am ful of B&G and the rig is on. Jda down in Texas is taking morning check-ins on the YLISSB net. I am checked in and will comb the airwaves for a while hoping to get  a QSO with SD because the guy I have QSO'd two or three times hasn't QSL'd me yet and I need a QSL card from SD to put in for my Worked All States certificate.

Good morning world!

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