Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More fun with Nebby Larry

Today I planted my summer marigolds, almost 288 of the little guys. Lasy year I did it from seeds and I had a jungle. I tried to get a bunch of seeds going but I think that someone may have spaced out watering them while I was away. Good help is hard to find.

I would imagine that this year's garden is not going to be nearly as much of a jungle as last year's garden was but I suppose it ought to look pretty good. I get a kick out of the looks I get when I am out gardening. Someone once kidded me that it reminded him of Charles Manson feeding an injured kitten.

Nebby Larry was making his somewhat daily walk through the neighborhood and asked me if I thought my garden was going to look as pretty as last year's. I told him I didn't think so because this year I hadn't found any young kids to grind up in my chipper/shredder to use as fertilizer.

THAT made his eyes go bigger than usual.

"I used to just snuff those kids running through the neighborhood selling magazines," I said, "But last year instead of burying them out back I just ground them up with the chipper/shredder and used them for fertilizer. Sure worked pretty good. Nobody misses those little drug addicts, anyway. They're generally runaways and all they do is cause trouble."

The look he gave me made it pretty clear I had the little idiot more shook up than I generally do.

"I discovered that the kids made pretty good fertilizer when I saw that the grass over where I buried them was sure a lot greener than the grass around it," I continued.

He looked to say something but his lower lip was quivering so bad words would not come out so he turned and left abruptly. I returned to what I had been doing, but I knew I was going to get a visitor shortly.

Sure enough, the police cruiser pulled up and the window opened and the officer in it gave me a smirk.

"If you're trying to get the police department to pull up all the weeds in your back yard and dig it up, you're going to have to do better than that," he said.

With that he rolled up the window and drove off.

Damn it! I guess I'll just have to have to pull my own weeds.

my other blog is: http://officerpiccolo.blogspot.com/ http://piccolosbutler.blogspot.com/

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