Saturday, May 4, 2013
I just noticed that Yoko Ono and a bunch of celebrities
and other pimplebrains have formed a group called Artists against Fracking.
What is interesting is that none of them seem to have any kind of technical background at all. They are, after all, artists.
They are entertainers. Not a whole lot of them have any scientific or mathematic background as if the have degrees they are likely to have them in arts or humanities. They probably know little about oil or natural gas yet they all use it.
I have nothing against entertainers as I enjoy art, movies and that sort of thing but I wish they would just shut their mouths and stop talking about things they know nothing about whatsoever.
I have heard art as being defined as anything that envokes feeling. If that is true, we are talking 100% emotion here. Nothing is mentioned in the definition as having anything to do with cold logic.
These artists make their living by dealing with feelings. It has nothing to do with economics, mathematics, physics, or science in any form.
Yet these people pretend to know about something they have no real background in. Most of them don't have a clue. I'm surprised they can take care of their own affairs much less give advice to anyone else.
Yoko Ono, Robert Redford, Alec Baldwin and the rest of them are nothing more than Hollywood types that live in their own little world surrounded by Limos and adoring fans. After a while they begin to think they are smarter than they are. A lot of them let this Hollywood lifestyle go to their head.
I suppose it is not only Hollywood types because these days it seems to be the big thing to villify the oil companies because they don't like the price of gasoline. It's OK to hate the oil companies. Boycott them. Simply walk home after work and when you get there freeze in the dark quietly with your mouth shut so I don't have to listen to your teeth chatter.
In the meantime I will put a few bucks in the tank, drive home and turn on the lights and fire up the furnace and live in relative comfort.
Al Gore is a case in point. Although he wasn't an entertainer a while ago I suppose we can consider him one now. He's quite a joke. He ran his mouth about clean energy a few years back and criticized then-president George Bush about his energy policies.
Someone looked into Gore's carbon footprint and then at President Bush's and found out that the Bush residence in Texas was pretty damned clean next to Gore's. Bush had a solar energy powered efficient ranch and Gore was running a lot of oil and hydrocarbon produced electricity.
The same likely holds true with a lot of Hollywood types as I don't hear of a whole lot of them that drive a Prius as a daily driver.
Babs Striesand seems to be another one of these moonbats because I read somewhere that after a brief nap she wants her sheets changed. This, of course, means that electricity and water get used up but I suppose that's OK because she's a celebrity.
How about just changing your sheets about once a week like the rest of us? Save water and energy, hippocrite.
Then again, society lets a lot of people get away with a lot of crap they shouldn't under the excuse, "But he's an artist!"
Fine. He's an artist. Treat him like everybody else. He'll learn to behave himself after a couple of trips to jail. Especially after having to share a cell with a pants wetting vomit covered wino or three.
Meanwhile the rest of us poor mortals get to go out and bust our asses to make a living and it is likely for many of us we'll never set foot in a corporate type jet in our lives.
Yet a lot of these Hollywood types will fly all over hell in a rented jet and not think for a second that if they really wanted to cut down on their carbon footprint they could simply hop on a commercial flight like the rest of us. They could simply ride in the First Class section and be properly fawned over by the airline people there.
These people live in an entirely different world than the average guy. When a celebrity gets strung out on crack they send them off to Betty Ford clinic. Once straightened out a bit they return to the stage and either make another movie or play another concert. This is immediately followed by fans gushing over how they overcame their drug/alcohol/whatever problem and followed it up with a great artistic accomplishment.
Meanwhile some carpenter or auto mechanic gets strung out on the same drug and he gets carted off to jail and when he gets out it's poverty for him because nobody will hire him. He doesn't get another chance.
They live in another world, yet a lot of people listen to them.
These people never have to change their own tire, clean up after themselves, cook themselves a meal or wash their own dirty underwear. Yet they want to try and explain that they know everything that is good for us and try and show us the light.
Most of what they want us to do is simply something we can't afford to. Setting up a 100% energy self-sufficient home that costs a hell of a lot more money than it saves it is a hip thing to do among the Hollywood moonbats. Unfortunately a guy on a budget can't afford to do this.
Every once in a while one of them will get out a calculator and crunch a few numbers and tell people that putting in an energy efficient whatever will save them money over the long haul.
While true in one sense, they seem to forget that you have to live to be 137 years old before you start seeing the savings. Either that or if you install their amazing ecologically sound device that will save you money over 20 years you find out that the average life of the device is ten years before it has to be replaced. Some savings.
They have no idea that the very people that made them successful in the first place can't really afford to take their spiritually aware advice.
I didn't start this post to either defend of villianize fracking. I have not dug into it deep enough to know how much damage it does to the planet. I got into this to point out that I am sick and tired of celebrities running off at the mouth about things they don't understand.
There are not a whole lot of people out there among the Hollywierd celebrity set that have any background in any type of scientific or technical fields. The ones with hands-on skills are not stars, just technicians, but without them nothing would get done.
Maybe if these movie stars would talk to the guys that actually do the work they might learn something.
The celebrities are artists and I wish they'd just quietly go somewhere and make a movie or paint a picture or something.
Except for maybe Charlie Sheen. I wouldn't mind having a couple drinks with him. I'd bet he'd be interesting. Betcha he's not the buffoon people think he is, either.
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I've never understood why anyone pays any attention to what celebrities (actors, pro sports players, musicians, etc) think about anything outside their chosen field. Unless they can demonstrate a high level of knowledge regarding some other topic (fracking, guns, globull warming), then I pay no attention whatsoever. Yea, I might enjoy watching you play your sport, act in a movie, play a concert, but in regard to these other things, SHUT UP. I don't care about your opinion. I also don't care what garbage you are hawking on TV either.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that, in America, Hollywood Celebrities are our Royalty. Too many citizens are exceptionally uneducated and will buy into whatever their idols spout.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, this has caused a lot of issues. Look at the anti-immunization people. Hollywood celebs took up this cause, and now children are suffering needlessly. (OK, getting stuck with a needle isn't without it's suffering... I'll leave that one alone.)
It's a bit different in Japan. Making such statements there can get you from the frying pan into the fire. A very famous J actor experienced that in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. He went bonkers over nuclear power.
ReplyDeleteWell... he's not an actor anymore. His agency fired him and no other agency has shown interest in him. A few other actors were about to jump on his bandwagon, but then they realized that they liked having a job and rather focused on helping the tsunami victims.
Okay, the system there is different. A star is an employee of his agency. He gets a salary, etc. They don't live in super mega villas and don't have private jets. They fly commercial and, yes, even take the train. It's more down to earth there and stepping out of line can kill ones career quickly.