Wednesday, May 1, 2013

it is the middle of the night I an free for a brief period.

This is one of those little free periods that pop up from time to time.

Recently I have had a little vandalism to the blog from some self-rightous soul that decided to censor me by deleting my hanging copy. I won't get into this save to say that it was the work of an insecure person that I once tried to help.

Over the past few years I have seen a lot of things I really do not like to see being done by rabid atheists whom I consider to be just as much trouble as rabid Muslims and rabid Christians. They're all a pain in the ass and I'd like to put them all on an island with a huge pile of chain saws and let them have at it.

We would liven things up by telling them that the survivors would be allowed to board a ship anchored in a bay. 

After the survivors were on board, we'd sink the boat.

Please note that the operative word in the above statements is 'rabid'. I bear no ill will to those of any religion or none religion that simply practice their faith quietly and do not try and force their values on others.

I have listened to atheists scream about the Ten Commandments that are outside of some courthouse somewhere and wonder why they simply don't read them and think a bit.

Commandments 1-3 pretty much cover the presence and acknowledgement of God which I can see. Number four is keeping the Sabbath holy and they could simply consider that to be a day off from work which ain't a bad deal as everyone likes a day off every once in a while.

Seven through ten are pretty much a pretty good code of conduct of life and you don't have to have a whole lot of religiosity to know that sleeping with someone else's wife, ripping people off , killing off each other constitutes the bulk of the problems we have on the planet.

Instead of trying to remove the Ten Commandments, the atheists really ought to simply take 4-10 as a pretty good practical code to try and live by. We'd all be better off.

Seven out of ten ain't a bad deal when you think of it. In fact, in this day and age seven out of ten of just about anything ain't a bad deal.

Truth is a lot of rabid atheism is nothing more than the work of a bunch of mean spirited people that ought to get their asses whipped.

The First Amendment guarantees us freedom OF religion. It does not guarantee us freedom FROM religion. You can't go around trying to destroy other people's faith.

Then again, they can't try and force you to believe, either. 

If you look back at the Founding Fathers most of them had religions, and most of them were Christians. A couple of the people that pitched in and stuck their neck out were Jews. In short the country was basically founded in a Judeo-Christian manner, making sure that they respected the rights of everyone else.

The Founding Fathers encouraged the practice of religion and made it clear because they knew that a lot of people had braved the perils of crossing the Atlantic and setting up shop here simply to get out from under the burden of a state religion.

Anyway, these days it seems like there are a group of rabid atheists running around and trying to get nativity scenes yanked from the public eye. I suppose that they have some sort of legal point in this. Maybe they can replace them with a Christmas tree or something and make it a non-religious holiday and I suppose I could stomach that. Then again there are those that consider that to be not enough.

They want the tree down. What's next? A public execution of Santa? I would not be surprised. I can picture Santa up against a wall with a blindfold and a cigarette. Betcha someone finds coal in their stocking after that one.

Over the years I have wished an awful lot of non-Christians a merry Christmas and have not really received a whole lot of complaints. Here and there you are likely to meet someone so mean and petty to be insulted but it doesn't seem to happen.

One of the people I have wished a Merry Christmas to is a Hindu and smiled. "Thank you for sharing your holiday with me," he said. What a wonderful attitude! I suppose it is a matter of time before he wishes me a happy whatever the Hindu holiday is. Frankly I would like to see that happen sometime. I'll help just about anyone celebrate their holiday.

From what I have seen of rabid atheists is interesting. Some of the worst ones I seriously think are not so much simple people that do not believe in a deity, but those that DO believe in a deity and are so mad at him for something that they deny his existence out of spite.

They are so mad at whatever god they believe in that they go through life tearing him down and insulting him every chance they get and try ruining things for everyone else. Maybe they got the wrong brand of bicycle one Christmas. Who knows?

Other rabid atheists are simply people that don't believe that simply have mean spirited and petty natures. Again here, the operative word here is rabid.

The majority of those out there that are simply non believers that simply go about their business and live their lives quietly as live and let live people. To these I wish the best as they cause no problems and bear no ill will to anyone else.

Before I end this post I have to warn an awful lot of self-righteous Christians that are gloating as they read this that they had probably keep their mouths shut because one of these days I am going to write a post on what a pain in the ass they are. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this:

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly live and let live should be the order of the day. just to nitpick thought the pilgrim fathers left for america to establish their own religious colony free to persecute those who didn't do everything their way. the puritans weren't pushed out because of their religious views they were pushed out for well... being heavily religious, intolerant, controlling and bigoted. Puritan leaders in the 1650's in common with modern extreme atheists banned celebrating Christmas, they also banned dancing, golf, mince pies and pretty much anything fun
