Saturday, December 21, 2013

Learn to think and learn to count.

I hear all of these people babbling that they ought to raaise the minimum wage so poor prople can get nice things, too.

That's all well and good, but do they know what they are talking about? Not likely.

The last time they raised minimum wage within six months the prices on just about everything raised accordingly. If it took someone on minumum wage an hour to buy three gallons of milk (or whatever) then shortly after the price rose accordingly so the guy working for minumum wage could still only get the same three gallons of milk. 

In some cases less because they were put into a higher tax bracket.

Meanwhile the non union and private sector people didn't get a raise because they were over minimum wage so they suffered because their pay didn't go up to meet the increase in prices. 

Those that had skills were poorer for it as were the retirees on fixed incomes. Those that had been saving for retirement were robbed of their savings by inflation.

So the people that have bettered themselves by learning a skill or trade got hurt, people that had tried to live responsibly by saving got hurt and those at the bottom in reality stayed where they were. They still had to work an hour for their three gallons of milk. Of course, that is assumingthey didn'tget jacked up into another tax bracket. If they did, they only got poorer.

The truth of the matter is that what should be done about those poor people on minimum wage is allow businesses to prosper and free them of unnecessary governmental regulations.

They should make it easier for start up businesses to get rolling and create job that need skilled people to work for them. We need to start manufacture more things as opposed to buying abroad.

Handing the poor a false pay raise does nobody any good whatsoever. It just encourages them to stay at the bottom of the pile because most of them do not understand that the raise they are getting is just going to be taken away from them through inflation and taxes.

What the motivated poor need is opportunity to pick up a skill or a trade and flourish. The umotivated poor should simply be left where they are until they get tired of it and decide to either stay where they are or move up. Their choice.

Raising the minimum wage just stands to make all of us poorer and to tell you the truth, I'm getting sick and tired of propping up the poor and becoming poorer for it.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. I get quite frustrated when discussing the minimum wage (or even this "Living Wage") with other people. They don't seem to understand the concept of supply and demand. Even when I get my co-workers to understand that the cost of living will go up, resulting in a 'net loss' for our earning potential, they want to counter with "Oh, well we'll get a raise also." Uh, no. No we won't get a raise.

    I can't argue with stupid.
