Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A lot of soccer moms don't get it.

Besides gun control in Virginia, the Virginia legislature is looking at enacting legislation that will permit the over rule of zoning boards.

I suppose a lot of soccer moms are going to go along with this in the interest of diversity and what have you. This is because a lot of soccer moms are complete idiots. They want diversity for their kids.

These are the kind of idiots that don't understand the law of unintended consequences. There also the kind of idiots that will condone poor behavior in minorities simply because they are afraid of being called a racist. 

There's diversity and there's diversity.

The have not seemed to figure out that minorities can live anywhere they want if the can afford it. In my case I live in suburbia and my neighborhood is mixed. There are a few black families mixed in and Hispanics, too. It is a fairly diverse neighborhood. 

The glue that pretty much hold us together certainly isn't race or religion. It's the American Dream of home ownership in a halfway decent, safe neighborhood. Anyone is welcome if they are willing to pony up, but a place and take care of it. It really is that simple. None of us care what color someone is or where they go to church or even if they do. 

The one thing none of us want is to have the neighborhood torn up by some damned communist plan that drags everyone down to the level of the lowest. In short we do not want an apartment complex in a neighborhood zoned for single family homes.

The cycle in a some apartment complexes is that when the owner can't find enough tenants he 'goes Section 8' and the place becomes government subsidized housing. Of course this means that the people that move in ca't really afford to live in the neighborhood otherwise. While a lot of these people are probably pretty decent people, many are not and it doesn't take long before the decent people get run out and the whole place turns into a sewer and drags the neighborhood down with it.

Of course, Soccer Mom Karen never wanted to see her children having to deal with crackheads, junkies, pimps, whores and other unsavory types. She wanted diversity and to prove to everyone she was no racist.

Of course when Soccer Mom Karen figure out what happened it's too late so she decides to move. Then she discovers that the wonderful home she and her loving husband paid $500,000 isn't even what they owe on it because nobody wants to live down the street from Section 8 housing.

By this time Soccer Mom Karen is livid but it's too late. She doesn't know or understand what happened. She can't figure out that she actually VOTED for this to happen so the next election she doubles down and voted for yet MORE socialism thinking it will fix the problem. Instead it makes it worse and then Soccer Mom Karen decides that the neighborhood is intolerable. Her kids are getting into drugs, the daughter is running with the wrong crowd and she can't move because they can't even get anyone to take over the house payments.

I suppose if she has a brain in her head at this point she and darling husband will simply move out and let the bank repossess the place which by now isn't in very good shape thanks to the neighbors. The fence is spray painted with graffiti and has a couple of holes knocked in it.

Of course if they do bail out the chances of getting another mortgage are pretty slim and it looks like the wonderful family of five is going to have to move into an apartment of some sort. They waited too long.

It is interesting to note that the instant the permit to build the apartment complex was given most of the minorities in that neighborhood put their places up on the market. They were no fools. They knew what was going to happen and they wanted no part of it. The paradox here is that what was once called 'white flight' is being led by successful minorities that want no part of that nonsense! Soccer Mom Karen doesn't seem to see what is going to happen. She can't seem to figure out why the neighbors are moving. She's looking forward to living in a diverse neighborhood.

Soccer Mom Karen can't seem to figure out that there are consequences to elections and that she is paying the price for her stupidity.

Dr. King said that he wanted to see us judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. Apparently Soccer Mom Karen never understood this or never understood the difference.

Kind of an update. 

A church mass shooting in Texas was recently stopped by a lawfully armed citizen firing a single shot. The shooter was stopped dead in his tracks.

Please note that the law that enabled the man to do this was lobbied AGAINST by Mom's Demand Action, an organization chock full of of Soccer Mom Karens.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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