Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What is a veteran, anyways?

See that old Asian guy over there? The one with a cane in front of him that looks to be about 90 something? He was a badass during WW2. He fought with the 442nd RCT and got torn up pretty bad in Italy but didn't slow down until he was ordered off the hill. He looks like someone's kindly great grandfather. He's a veteran.

A couple of times at the VFW he'd tell the younger guys he was in charge of handing out crash helmets to Kamikaze pilots while he was in the Japanese Army. His WW2 buddies used to laugh like hell when he did that. They knew what he had done in Italy. He hasn't done that in a while because he doesn't get around much anymore.

So is the young guy he's talking to. He spent 4 years fixing machinery at a Naval depot in Indiana but because he was in the Navy everyone wants him to answer questions about boats. He never set foot in one his entire enlistment. Both of the guys are talking about their kids.

Let's go to Moe's Bar and look around. The quiet guy well into his third boilermaker is a veteran. He saw too much in Vietnam and  has had a drinking problem since. The kind looking guy over there that's nursing a lone beer and is getting ready to go home to the wife and kids. He's got a Silver Star tucked away somewhere and his wife and kids don't about know it.

There's two big mouths in the joint. One saw no action whatsoever, the other one has a chest full of medals displayed at his place over the fireplace.  Both of them are a pain in the ass.

Moe's a veteran, too. Marine Corps for two years. He was drafted during Vietnam and selected to be a Marine. 

So's that fat cook in the back room. He was a cook in the Army and occasionally wears a T-shirt proclaiming himself to be an Army cook. It says 'Death from within' as a spoof on the Airborne's 'Death from above' emblem. The cook's a real character and a natural born storyteller. He tells a great story about being over run and having to leave a huge prepared meal behind. The enemy supposedly ate it and got so sick they walked in and retook the base without a shot fired. We all know it's BS but the story is just so damned funny we play along with it.

The guy with the missing arm that wishes the two big mouths would shut up lost his arm in Afghanistan. 

A trip to the supermarket is in order. There's two friends there. Both were Navy SEALS. one has deployed a couple of times. The other one never did. The way to tell them apart is the guy with the big scar on his face  didn't deploy. He got that in a car wreck when he got hit by a texting teenage girl. Those two share a lot in common, though.

Over in produce is another veteran. He was discharged after some drunken shenanigans with a bad conduct discharge. It wasn't a dishonorable so he's a veteran, too.

Sitting in front of the register waiting for his wife we find a former Air Force person. He fixed airplanes at Minot for four years. He never picked up a gun during his entire hitch.

The chubby middle aged woman with  the two kids over there served in the Marines as supply person. She married a Marine that she met after she was discharged. She went from being a corporal to being a dependent wife for a year until he got out.

The chipper young man over by the sandwich bar doesn't look old enough but he really is. He was recently medically discharged after a parachuting accident. He's too embarrassed to tell anyone he served but he did and he has no reason to be embarrassed.

Moving on, the guy driving the trash truck is a veteran. He did four years in the Army and has two deployments overseas. He's actually finishing up at a trade school using his GI bill and driving the truck to make ends meet. 

The guy sitting down with a cup of coffee over there is a veteran. Graduated from college and served as an officer for a hitch. Got out as a captain and was picked up my a Fortune 500 company. They love former military officers and often fast track them. 

The woman in the scrubs walking home is a veteran. She served in the Navy and took her Navy skills with her when she got out. She's an X-ray technician. 

The guy in handcuffs in the back of the passing police car is a vet. He got booted out after two years of a four year hitch as an undesirable. Meth got him thrown out and it's why he's in the back of the police car. He, too is a veteran.

So is the judge the meth head is going to face in the morning. He served as an infantry officer and got out after Desert Storm. Took his GI bill and went to law school.

See the homeless bum on the corner? Someone told me he's a Bronze Star holder. Strangely enough, he cleans himself up every so often and holds a job for several months until he tires of it and then it's back to the streets.

Not so for the other guy a block away. He's a mess. He was actually kind of a substandard soldier but was discharged honorably. He's homeless because he's just too lazy to work. He's a veteran.

Speaking of the homeless, the guy that helps out at the shelter says he can spot a fellow vet a mile away. When the shelter hands out the bedding he watches. The guys that whip a neat bunk together in a couple minutes with hospital corners are generally veterans. 

So is the doctor the X-ray technician took X-rays for a couple of hours ago. He's an interesting man. He enlisted as a private with a GED and somehow took advantage of practically everything offered him. He's now an orthopedic surgeon and retired after 20 some years as a lieutenant colonel!

He's still in the reserves, though because he enjoys staying in the military loop.

Then there's Bubbles. she's the stripper walking into the club for a night of topless dancing. She got out last year as an Army Sp/4 working in supply. She was assigned to CIF and made sure the field gear was all accounted for. She's a veteran. I hear Bubbles is actually in school somewhere during the day. She dances three nights a week.

That guy passing by in the snappy convertible is a stockbroker and served for four years. He got his degree with his GI bill and is doing rather well.

Headed back home we see a cable guy and a lineman. The cable guy served in Desert Storm driving a tank. The lineman was a Navy corpman administering medical services to a marine unit. He never deployed and will tell you he's damned glad he didn't.

Following the lineman's power lines we get to the power plant. The guy sitting by the console with his feet up served in the Navy. He was a submariner on a boomer and worked in the nuclear power plant. He was offered the job he has while he was still in the Navy. 

So what is a veteran? 

They come in all shapes and sizes of all socioeconomic groups. They're fat, some are skinny. some are doing well, some are not. Some are heroes, some are bums and some are both. Most are somewhere in between.

They all have different stories.

They all share one thing in common, though.

At one time they all signed a check to the United States government payable up to and including their lives.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I was surprised. No time out on Next door.

We shall see what happens next.

There's a real purse swinger of a thread going on about fireworks. Someone commented that it's not just kids.

He says the big fireworks are being set off by adults which actually makes sense as the big stuff is getting pretty expensive.

"It's adults setting these terrible things off!"

To which I replied, "How about adultresses? I'm sure some of them are setting them off, too."

The first woman that complains about that comment is going to hear "If the shoe fits..."

THEN watch out. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, June 29, 2020

Defund the police, huh?

And replace them with what?

Let's replace them with the political police modeled along the lines of the STASI which looks like the way some places are headed. 

In every society there has to be some kind of authority to keep the peace. We now have an imperfect police force but for the most part it serves the purpose. People often do not realize that a big part of what the police do is protect society from itself. 

In short, no matter what we call it we are going to have to have a police force of one type or another.

What is going on here is the people involved in this mess are trying to turn our basic police department into the political police.

It's really that simple.

As usual the inner city black community is being used again as a cover because BLM is in bed with ANTIFA.

If you don't like the current police you wait and see what kind of police the defunding is going to replace them with.

You won't like it very much.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Sunday, June 28, 2020

I see a bad moon rising

Trump isn't going to just walk back into the White House. I see a lot of fraud and other cheating in the wind and there's a pretty good chance he'll lose.

Prepare accordingly.

BLM and ANTIFA will be put back in their cages and told to stand down. The inner city black community will go back to the ghetto and be forgotten about until the next election and then they will, as usual, be bussed to the polls by their Democrat masters.

Minority unemployment will rise again and with it a lot of people are going to lose a lot of hope.

A lot of other people will wind up in the bread line, also as the economy will collapse and we'll probably go straight into a depression of untold magnitude.

If you are an inner city black you can go back to where you came from. The Democrats that have promised you things will just feed you an empty line and send you back home empty handed. You've been played again and there is nothing that is going to be done about it. You've served your purpose. You've done their dirty work for them.

Of course you probably don't realize that. The schools and education they promised you that would enable you to get a decent education never came to be. Why?

They want you kept ignorant and uninformed. It makes you easier to maniulate. The very people that claim to support you are sitting up in a mansion somewhere laughing at you for being dumb enough to do their dirty work for them

If anything, your existence will be worse, though. Your Democratic party big shots through BLM and ANTIFA have talked you into burning down your own neighborhood and the odds of many of these places are slim that they will be rebuilt. The 'hood just got to be even a worse place to live and if you were a looter or rioter you're responsible.

If you're just someone trying to get by and now have to walk two miles just to get a loaf of bread you can look at the Democrats for that. They're the ones that got your idiot neighbor's kid fired up out on the streets to riot and burn the supermarket down.

Someone's making money on this. Big money and it ain't you.   


One of the most tasteless songs I've ever heard came out in about 1972. The year 1970 is considered the year of the bombings. The song came out as the pieces were falling.

The song is on the National Lampoon Radio dinner album and is often referred to as 'Tregroes" because (like Blazing Saddles) it uses the dreaded N-word.

The point of the whole song is that (as usual) the inner city black community is being tricked into doing the dirty work of the left. They're being  played again to riot, loot and fight. Some of them will wind up getting hurt while the people that claim to support them all the way are sitting across the bay in their expensive homes laughing themselves silly.

It hasn't changed a bit and that was fifty years ago.

It's sad.  

Another thing that hasn't changed a whole lot is the vile bigotry of low expectations. Personally I think that one is getting worse.

Dr. King is spinning in his grave.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Another telemarketer bites the dust.

I got another telemarketer call and I was feeling kind of frisky and decided not to just hang up on them. I wanted THEN to hang up on ME.

Telemarketer: "Hello. This is Lois. How are you today?"

Me: I got a really vile cocaine and beer hangover and I just got a particularly nasty infection from one of the broads at the club the other night but other than that I am fine. I'm probably going to need shots for about three weeks, though."

Click. Dial tone.

Score one for the good guys.

In other news. Regarding COVID and putting my mask on before entering a store. I guess it wasn't fast enough for one woman who glared at me.

"Don't worry lady," I said. "I haven't had unprotected sex with Chinese prostitutes in over a month now. I'm clean."

If looks could kill my family would be burying me now. 

Someone asked me about my attitude and I told them it started when I turned about 60 and has gotten much  worse as time has passed. If I had known it was going to be this much fun I would have started much earlier.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Saturday, June 27, 2020

I see where the students at the University of washington

are saying that it is unfair for blacks to have to sit for difficult and time consuming examinations because they are too busy fighting for their rights.

What an insult to the entire black community!

Sounds like something straight out of Rudyard Kipling about having to pick up white man's burden. Our poor little brown brothers can't take care of themselves so we have to rise to the occasion and take care of them.


Needless to say the value of their degrees just dropped to about minus zero.

The bigotry of low expectations strikes again.

Incidentally the non black students of the U of W ought to take a look at how this is going to cheapen THEIR degrees. I see thrilling careers at the local Starbucks for a lot of them, no matter what color they are.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I see where CA has voted to eliminate the discrimination line in their constitution

which people like Dr. King worked so hard to get. I was a youthful supporter of that, too.

It does have to be accepted by the voters, though before the change is final. Let's see how that goes. 

Presumably it is to placate the BLM people and to enable them to get priority in various things but it could certainly backfire. Laws like this work both ways. I would imagine private industry could return to Jim Crow if they wanted.

I have always felt that things like the Civil Rights act should have only applied to government and that private business was allowed to hire and fire as they saw fit. It's called liberty and sometimes it's a bitch. That's neither here nor there.

Fact is that if this passes it will give racial preference to whichever racial religious/whatever group is now in vogue.

Whatever happened to judging by content of one's character and not color of one's skin? 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Friday, June 26, 2020

Whaddya think? Think I'm stupid?

I get a number of young twenty somethings asking me to friend them on Facebook.

Every single one of them is a young hard body hottie and they're interested in me or they would not be asking for me to friend them. Gee1 It's great being 68 and having all of these little firmies coming on to to me!

Yeah, right.

I may be eccentric or even outright crazy but I am NOT stupid.

Delete request. Right click. Adios. Go try the guy that lives six or seven houses down the street from me. Besides he's about ten years older than me and has a real nasty cough.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Looks like I may be getting another time out on Next Door

It was yet ANOTHER whiny Such and Such a business doesn't require masks thread.

I answered somebody's gripe by telling him my friend Bubba only wears one what he robs convenience stores. He wears a full shemagh and Arabic woman's eye makeup and the police are now looking for a Middle Eastern woman.

I suppose he'll report it to the local PD and the next time a certain Officer Friendly sees me he will laugh like hell and shake his head.

I have been called a troll before and maybe sometimes I am.  I have been told it's not nice to knock the low hanging fruit off of the tree. Maybe it isn't.

But I refuse to walk around the fruit on the ground!

Actually I am disappointed. My first time out was for cannibalism. That's a hard act to follow.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Be on the lookout for radical right wingers men in Hawaiian shirts!

which shows me just how biased the media is and how stupid the DOJ is.

They have created a danger out of thin air.

Somewhere floating around on line somewhere is a picture of yours truly clad in a Vietnam era steel pot, and a purple shemagh. I am leaning on a Kentucky flintlock long rifle and have a tomahawk in my belt.

Oh, yeah. I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt to boot. 

I was actually there when the Hawaiian shirt business got started.

It was at the Richmond Rally and one guy decided to have a little fun and instead of the usual cammi shirt he put on a Hawaiian shirt.

A lot of the guys busted his balls for it.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so it took off.

Now the media says that the so-called Bugaloo Boys wear them. Who the Bugaloo Boys are I have no clue. It's just a big joke among gun owners.

Still, even the DOJ seems to have taken the bait and on the gun boards they spoke of changing from Hawaiian shirts to something else to keep CNN guessing.

There was talk of stealing the Rainbow Gadsden flag to flock to for a while just to make leftist heads explode.

Still, as usual CNN and company have created a monster where there is none.  

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, June 22, 2020

Don't worry lady, I'll see to it your children are fed.

and I kept my word as I fed her children to the tigers at the Highland Park zoo.


Several years ago I was at a neighborhood gathering and the parents of a couple of spoiled brats were there.

The wife was talking about raising her two brats and asked rhetorically what would happen to them if her and her husband 'had something happen to her'

I told her I would gladly see to it that her children were fed.

That raised a number of eyes because everyone there pretty much knew I had no use for the kids until I explained that the kids WOULD be fed. They would be fed to the tigers at the Highland Park Zoo.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I just saw where there have been two killings in CHAZ

They ought to push a cart up to the gate every few days and cry out "Bring out your dead!"

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Sunday, June 21, 2020

I just read where Eskimo Pies are changing their name because it's supposedly racist.

They ought to change it to Baby Seal Pops.

Club your appetite!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Someone wants to know about my childhood.

I told him to I was writing a book about that so he could wait a while. 

It will be a mystery.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Friday, June 19, 2020

inflation and the WW2 BC 603 tank radio.

The BC 603 I owned was a WW2 era tank radio that predates modern police/fire scanners. If you wanted to listen to police and fire calls converting one of these was one way.

You would buy one of those behemoths from a surplus outfit in Ohio, build a power supply for it because the military had it's own electrical system for Sherman tanks. A loaf pan would generally act as a chassis for the power supply, converting 110 house current to the proper voltages.

Then you would open the radio itself up, go into it and cut a turn or two out of the coils and retune the rig and you would be good to go. You could now monitor fire or police calls. Today such a rig would be called a boat anchor.

Normally we'd monitor police calls but the instant I heard the fire whistle I would push the button and switch to the fire frequency and monitor the fire department.

In 1965ish I paid  about $35 for a BC 603 delivered to my door .

Nowadays the $35  in '63 was worth $290 today.

I saw one for sale for $165 delivered. $165 today was $20 back then.

Today a modern 500 channel scanner can be had for about $35. That's what $4.30 was worth back in '65.

I wuz robbed.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Thursday, June 18, 2020

I see where the Atlanta PD walked off the job last night

because the DA threw a cop to the wolves over what actually appears to be a legitimate shooting.

I am somewhat surprised that the 'hood didn't take advantage of the walkout to get themselves a new TV from the local store or perhaps some fine costume jewelry or a new wardrobe.

On the other hand my guess is the big shots in BLM/Antifa told the irregulars to stand down so as to prove that the police should be defunded.

Anyway this should prove to be interesting.

In the Rayshard shooting the deceased was carrying a taser he took from one of the cops.

What is interesting is that the DA seems to think that a taser is a kid's toy in reference to the Rayshard case. 

Two weeks earlier the DA declared a taser to be a deadly weapon.

Which is it? It can't be both.

If it's a deadly weapon then the cops were dealing with a heavily armed man. It is is a kid's toy then it's OK for the police to tase practically anyone.

Pick one but ya gotta stick with the choice.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Towel boy at Auschwitz

Ahh, yes. Another self-appointed psychiatrist that wants to tell me how miserable I am because a lot of my sarcasm goes over their heads.
One of my heroes in the sarcasm area is an old 442 RCT veteran that would occasionally hang out at the local VFW. When a new member asked what he did during the war he would outrage them by telling them he was in the Japanese army supply and issued crash helmets to Kamikaze pilots.
Anyway some self appointed Freud asked me when the last time I was truly happy was.
I told him it was when I got hired as a towel boy.
"At your college? For the football team?"
"No," I replied. "At Auschwitz."
I then got to stand back and admire my masterpiece as he turned purple walked away. I hate nosy people.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

There is something about immigrants that I see tells me they have become Americans

I saw the guy around the corner using a portable weedburner, a tool I have not seen in use on a cobblestone driveway. I stopped and watched him use it for a few minutes and told him I had never seen a portable one before. The few I have seen used had 5 gallon propane tanks with them and really shot the flame out. This one was a lot smaller.

Anyway I checked it out. I'm not going to get one, though.

The guy burning weeds had a touch of an accent and I casually asked him what it was. He replied that it was Vietnamese.

With my usual deadpan straight face I said to him, "I thought you wuz Irish."

With an equally deadpan face he replied, "I get a lot of that."

"It's the red hair and freckles." I said.

We both laughed.

There is something in many immigrants that changes when the become Americans. They become wise asses like the rest of us.

I've seen it in other places. I have a Russian born barber that cuts my hair occasionally and I have watched him transform from shy immigrant to confident smartass American. That was a fun thing to watch.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Filipinos! Draw the wagons into a circle! There's gonna be a fight!

What? We're being attacked by Filipinos! Nell, git the Winchester!

Columbus named the people he met Indians because he thought he had arrived in India when in fact he was in what is now the West Indies.

Had Columbus figured he had landed in Manila Bay I would have spent a portion of my childhood playing cowboys and Filipinos.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, June 15, 2020

One of the things I see is that the very places getting ready to try community policing

are the very places that it is not likely to work for sour apples.

Ever notice how well renters maintain their homes?

You're right. They don't. Why should they? They don't own the place. They have nothing in it. Rent is just a monthly payment in their budget. If they decide to move they pull up stakes and move. They have nothing invested in any of it.

Neighborhood gets too bad? Move. No property to sell, just load up your stuff and move. You might have to give up a deposit if you have a lease or may have to wait until the lease expires but so what?

The inner city poorer communities are full of renters. They have no investment there and little to lose.

Yet this is where they want to start with community policing.

It's not too likely to work there. A person has to have an investment before they will bother to get involved with the police to make their area better. It takes work and a certain amount of risk. It's a lot easier to move when a neighborhood gets too rough. It's also a lot safer than doing something like getting involved.

Community policing seems to work where the people are settled and have a real investment in the community. Suburbia is a classic example. Most homes are lived in bu the owner and while there generally are rental properties they are more of the exception than the rule.

People have mortgages or outright own their homes and have every motivation to see that their investment increases in value. It's theirs.

A lot of suburban and rural departments are to one extent or another using the same community policing tactics that are being advocated for the inner cities. They work there because the people in those suburbs and rural areas are willing to help the police if for no other reason but to protect their investments.

Of course the suburban cops tend to get a lot of nuisance calls over dumb stuff like mowing lawns and barking dogs but I guess that goes with the turf. I call a lot of this stuff First World problems.

Still, where a place is full of people with a vested interest in things community type policing is a LOT more likely to work than where the people have little or nothing to lose.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Off the top of my head there are two things someone can do to lose

their protection as children.

This started when someone jumped on my case for a comment I made on Greta Thunberg some time ago. I said that the minute someone of ANY age jumps into the political forum they open themselves to whatever they get, including public ridicule. Of course the someone didn't agree but that's just too damned bad.

The other case where a child loses their rights to be treated as a child is when they pick up a weapon and try and turn it on someone else offensively.

Everyone engaged in lawful activity has a right to self defense and that includes defending themselves against some little kid that decides to give up their childhood.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Ahh, yes.

Off to the rag bag to pick out the most disgusting dilapidated shirt in it. I found a pretty good one full of battery acid holes. Not bad! Then it's the raggedy pair of shorts that are almost as bad as the shirt. They started life as BDU pants. Then the flip flops and cap it all off with a Chinese coolie hat.

The uniform of a British prisoner of war on the Burma Road in 1943 or so. It's raggedy.

Fill the 1/2 gallon Jameson's bottle with water and it's off to do the gardening.

This custom actually started by mistake about 20 years ago when I was bleaching the mold off of something. I knew that whatever I wore would get trashed so I went into the rag bag and got something to wear. The bleaching only took about an hour so when I was done I came out front and gardened. One of the neighbors teased me about it so I have continued doing it. Why not?

It's actually a pretty comfortable uniform when you think about it and the coolie hat does a great job of keeping my head from baking int he sun.

As for the whisky bottle?

In the summertime kids push their bicycles up the street sometimes and I let them have a drink out of the bottle. It used to be a Jim Beam bottle full of iced tea but now it's a Jameson's bottle full of water.

About once a summer some Karen or dog walker sees some little kid pound down about 16 ounces and flips out. They generally call the police and when the cop figures it out he generally laughs like hell.

I also used to go out at about 8:30 and finish the bottle by maybe 11 and the first time the neighbor saw it they thought I had sucked down a full 1/2 gallon of whisky before noon. They figured that one out fast, though.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I once got a time out on the neighborhood website for cannibalism.

What? Cannibalism?

Yes. Cannibalism. That's eating what is commonly called long pork. It means eating your fellow man. I didn't actually hack someone up and eat them. I simply suggested it. With all the COVID going around it could save someone a trip to the store.

On one of those neighborhood websites a somewhat frightened woman complained that someone was standing on her porch for a while. Of course the fastest and easiest thing to do is call the police and watch the fun as they explain to Ossifer Friendly what they were doing.

Of course, someone suggested answering the door with a shotgun.

I replied that a shotgun is very gauche and that he proper tool to answer the door with is a kukri because nothing says not only but am I going to kill you but I am going to hack you up and toss you into the family stew pot.

Some lady screeched that it was cannibalism and got worked up. 

I told her I had a large family to feed and she flipped. She said the police ought to dig up my back yard and check for human remains.

I told her I wish they would because it was time for me to plant my annual dope plants and it would save a lot of work. I also said that when you have 19 children you let the kids grow the dope so they can sell it to their classmates and make some pocket money.

She got huffy and asked how I had 19 kids.

"When you were a little girl didn't your mother ever have a little talk with you and tell you where babies come from?" I shot back.

Reported. Time out.

Cause: Cannibalism.

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Friday, June 12, 2020

There is a jerk that lives nearby that

keeps wanting to get our end of the street into the HOA. I ran into him the other day and listened to his crap.

"You're the guy that has that eyesore antenna in your back yard!" he said. "That would go."

"What if I just plain refused to take it down?" I asked.

He got all worked up and said he'd get the neighbors to TAKE it down.

"Please feel free to do so at any time," I said. "I'll have you up on federal charges of vandalizing a federally licensed radio station. The Feds don't take too kindly to that. You WILL get jail time and old men like you do not do well in federal prison."

That opened his eyes pretty wide.

The truth is that not one of the immediate neighbors has anything against my antenna. In fact a couple of them offered to help me raise it. In fact the idea of an HOA is pretty repulsive to them because they know HOAs can become a royal pain in the ass.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I see where Walmart says they are going to stop keeping multicultural items under lock and key.

Let me venture a guess on how this is going to play out.

First the price of these items will rise to cover the cost of shoplifting.

As the price goes up shoplifting will increase.

Walmart will then simply stop selling  these items because they can't make any money on them.

It's really quite simple the way things work.

If a store receives 100 units of such and such a product puts it on the shelf and now has none they look at the number of that unit that has gone through the cash register. If the registers report that 50 have been sold then the other 50 have mysteriously disappeared.

The fix is to put the item under lock and key or simply stop selling it. It's losing money.

The loss prevention people may very well not know what the item in question is. It's simply SKU number such and such. All they know is SKU such and such seems to be disappearing mysteriously. They order it locked up. Fair enough.

The numbers are not racist. They are cold hard fact. What IS racist/sexist/whatever is manipulating the numbers to attain the results someone wants.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The other day I got chided for using Roundup on weeds

which I was actually NOT using. I was using home made weed killer in an old Roundup sprayer.

It was treated to the usual braided armpit, hairy legged Birkenstock shoe, granola bar carrying organic hippie-dippie lecture. 

"I haven't used Roundup in a few years," I replied. "I am using a home made solution in an old Roundup sprayer. It is a mixture of organic white vinegar, Kosher salt and a little Dawn detergent. It should he carefully noted that Dawn is the detergent that is used to remove oil from birds and sea animals that get oil soaked in oil spill accidents."

She seemed somewhat mollified and wandered off.

Actually  it was just basic dime store vinegar and simple table salt but I figured the organic and Kosher was a nice touch to shut her the hell up.

The recipe: 1 gallon white vinegar, 1/2 pound of table salt and about a 1/2 cup of Dawn.

It isn't as efficient as Roundup but it works. I just hit everything once and for the next few days anything green in the driveway gets another soaking until it is 100% brown. Usually they're brown a day after the second soaking.

It is a whole lot cheaper and keeps the hippie community off of your ass.

Then again I suppose you can use Roundup in a garden sprayer if you want.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I just saw where the mayors of Chicago and Minneapolis

are pleading with some of the larger companies not to leave after their businesses were vandalized during the riots.

I know if I was running a business that had units destroyed in the riots I would not rebuild under the circumstances. Why bother? It makes no sense. They are just going to end up being razed again.

From what I saw the mayors had basically told their police departments to stand down and let the businesses be destroyed. They made no effort to quell the arson and vandalism that took place there. If the merchants can't even get basic police protection then it makes no sense to do business there.

Businesses are not charities. They are designed to make money. If they can't make money they simply set up operations where they can make money. 

What would be interesting to see is how the mayors would react to the corporations offering to reopen if the city would guarantee that they would prosecute shoplifters and provide security and that any vandalism would be paid for by the city.

It would be interesting to see Walmart, Target and the rest tell the mayor "Your residents burn my store down and you pay for it 100% plus loss of business while we rebuild. Guarantee that and we'll rebuild."

You'd probably hear a lot of stammering and stuttering on the part of the mayor.

What I see now is a lot of wealth leaving some of the major cities and I can't say as I blame anyone for leaving. Why would anyone stay in a place that is not only unsafe but takes their money from them.

Needless to say, the people left behind will get hit harder with taxes and all who can afford to leave likely will leaving an impoverished rabble behind .

It's the graveyard spiral and some of our cities are on the path. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

I see where the city fathers in Minneapolis are planning on defunding the police.

Do it. 

I never did like that city. 

I see where about 25 cops have outright resigned and another 45 have put in for retirement. I believe that's about 10% of the department. My guess is that probably 24 out of the 25 that resigned had standing job offers to begin with and a good many of the remaining have their resume dug out and are feverishly updating them. 

Why not just go the full mile and abolish the entire police department? Then Minneapolis can boast about being the first American city to abolish the police department.

Of course they will have to work fast as the mayor of NYC is planning on doing a similar thing. Fine by me. I never did like New York to begin with.

Let both of them turn into a smoking pile of ashes.

No skin off my nose.

Then again the older I get the less I really give a damn about places like New York City and Minneapolis.

Update. I see where the NYC police commissioner and maybe the chief have resigned and they estimate that between 3-800 officers are retiring. It would be interesting to find out how many of New York's Finest are updating their resumes. I do suppose the cops getting close to their 20 year mark are planning on smiling and waving until they can retire. Can't say as I blame them.

Actually I see a pretty good moneymaker here if one is willing to risk a few bucks. One simply buys up a couple of blocks after the city turns to ashes and sits on them. The buildings on them will likely be burned to the ground anyway and there's little to maintain. IF (here's the risky part) IF the city comes around recovers and rebuilds you could be sitting on a gold mine.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, June 8, 2020

There is simply no fixing stupid.

The rifle range FINALLY opened up and Ron was there. As usual he was shooting dimes at 200 yards and RARELY misses. Yes. The man shoots dimes at 200 yards. Actually it's not real US currency but dime sizes dots on the paper. They are really about .001-.002" smaller than real dimes but who is counting?

Anyway someone not a club member walked in past the gate and came up to us looking to ask how to join. We explained there is a 2500 person waiting list and the membership is capped at 1800 to avoid overloading the facilities. He's got a long wait.

He asked if we had a membership roster so he could see if anyone he knew was a member so he could get a recommendation. We said the roster was not public. He asked why.

"Privacy," I said. We're entitled to privacy. Hell, Ron here is a Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan and I bet he sure doesn't want that out in the public eye."

He grew wide eyed. "Are you really a member of the Ku Klux Klan?" he asked.

Ron replied, "Keep it under your hat."

The guy looked really upset and wandered off.

Ron is black.

Needless to say Ron tried to chew my ass out for being a shit stirrer but he was laughing too hard for me to take it seriously. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Sunday, June 7, 2020

I just saw where somewhere in California the riot got cancelled

after the Hell's Angels said they would meet them there.

I am so old I remember then the Hell's Angels were the bad guys.

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

I just read where over 12 MILLION jobs have just opened up.

I also read where over 40% the Black community now supports President Trump. I do not know how accurate the figures are because I do not really trust polls all that much but the figure would not surprise me.

The economy seems to be bouncing back and that means jobs. Minority unemployment was at an all time low a while back before CORVID and it's probably going to bounce back.

I am old enough to remember LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many people will say it was important for the minority community. Just before he signed it he was heard to say, "When I sign this bill we'll have those ni&&ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." 

You may also feel free to dig into LBJ's civil rights voting record as a senator. It wasn't very pretty.

Johnson didn't give a damn about the black community. He supported the bill strictly for political purposes. He wanted their votes. It did work.

For decades the Democrats would promise the Black community the usual things, jobs, justice, education and head into the minority neighborhoods with the vans, load everyone up and cart them off to the polls.

Of course the day after election the Democrats would conveniently seem to forget the promises they made and leave the inner city Black community with worthless schools, unemployed and with business as usual. Par golf. As usual they were left with little hope to improve themselves.

What has done more for the Black community is the economy under President Trump. He's created JOBS. 

Minority unemployment is at an all time low. The black community is finding employment and with jobs there is hope. 

By having a thriving economy Trump has created something in the minority community that I have never seen in my life. He has created good, honest hope.

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Friday, June 5, 2020

The more I learn about George Floyd the more I see the BLM people were pretty hard up for a martyr.

As usual they chose another loser.

Apparently Floyd has a pretty extensive criminal record to include home invasion, aggravated assault and other theft and drug related crimes.


When are the BLM people going to protest the murder of some youngster that was carrying a bible on his way to a blind old lady's house to read to her? Or maybe some guy that was on his way over to some crippled person's house to sweep the snow off their walkway before he went to church?

While I Can say that it's likely that Floyd should not have died that way I really have a hard time mustering up a whole lot of sympathy for him. He did have a pretty good reason to resist arrest as it looked like he was involved with counterfeiting and was probably facing jail time.

Time for BLM to find s real martyr if they want to get any sympathy from me.

Incidentally the prosecutors are beginning to say that there is growing evidence that they do not have enough evidence to prosecute the four cops that have been charged. 

That ought to go over well.

I have to admit I am not surprised.


One of the things I see a lot of is people that do not know how to look at something for what it is.

The do-good set is screaming for Derek Chauvin's blood. They want to see him tried for Murder One. I doubt that if they did that they would secure a conviction. I fail to see the proper premeditation needed to convict him for that. 

Second degree would be a stretch as there has to be intent to kill involved. It's a crime of passion. I fail to see where Chauvin outright wanted to kill George Floyd.

The charge I see that could be successfully brought against Chauvin is manslaughter.

I can see that there's a pretty good chance that Chauvin will walk. I also have an idea of what the DA may be doing. It's a political thing.

The DA charges him with Murder one, the jury acquits and the DA gets to stand there and indignantly tell the populace he tried Chauvin for first degree murder but the jury let him go. The DA gets to look good and the jury gets the blame.

On the other hand, juries can be real loose cannons. A few years ago in Massachusetts a jury did convict a young woman for first degree murder in a case that was clearly negligent homicide.

If the DA does charge Chauvin with murder one he is probably in a win/win position. If they convict him it's a great victory for the DA. If they don't the DA gets to blame it on the jury.

Then again I might be talking out my ass because I am not really familiar with the specifics of the laws of every state. In a lot of places a jury can convict someone of a lesser charge.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Interesting woman


What is interesting is that as time goes on more and more information about George Floyd is appearing.

While he certainly didn't deserve to die at the hands of a bad cop and his killer deserves to face justice it should also be noted that Floyd was no saint, either. Of course he is being painted up like he's Saint George of Floyd or some damned thing.

They did that to Treyvon Martin some time back. Everyone got to see a wholesome kid with a big smile in a hoodie. Fact is that picture was taken when he was several years younger. His Facebook page showed an angry young man looking for trouble.

Martin is on the list of lives that don't matter. Had he not banged George Zimmerman's head against a concrete curb then George Zimmerman would not have fired on Little Sainted Treyvon. 

Zimmerman proved to be no prize either but that another topic. 

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Ahhh, yes. The left: We must pick up white man's burden.

Straight out of Rudyard Kipling.

We have to 'level the playing field' meaning accept mediocrity from minorities. After all (so says the left) our poor brown brothers can't take care of themselves so we have to permit them to live up to a lower standard.

We have to set aside a portion of contracts for minority businesses because they are incapable of coming up with a  competitive bid like everyone else. So says the left.

It is the most arrogant attitude I have ever seen. It is the left admitting to themselves that they are superior and the poor brown brother is incapable.

It's not a kindness! It's an insult to an entire segment of the human race. It is telling a segment of the human race that they are not capable of keeping up.

I've seen what happens when minorities decide not to accept mediocrity. They succeed.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I'm just going to call them outright idiots. BLM

I see where a few BLM types have threatened to 'take it to the suburbs'. Frankly I hope they do real soon. I would just LOVE to see the backlash. I would just be tickled to see all of the little suburban Karens in fear of their homes and SUVs.

A lot of these BLM types have no clue as to how much money and power resides in the suburbs. If they did they would not be in such a hurry to do any damage there because that would likely be the end of the BLM movement. It would be crucified overnight.

God only knows how many of these little suburban women would flip sides in a nanosecond if THEIR way of life was threatened. You don't want to piss Karen off. She'll speak to the manager and then watch out. Actually she will speak to the manager of the local gun store so she gets a decent long gun  to protect her place. She'll be faster to shoot than a trained veteran but I suppose that's OK.

There are also a few other factors to take into consideration, too. The city police are generally the mayor's attack dogs. Not so in the 'burbs. The police there generally tend to actually serve the people of the community and there is also another thing to add to it. The cops generally live in the community they serve. This means that they will be fighting for their homes, too instead of for some city sector they do not live in.

The other thing is on a per capita basis there are a LOT more firearms in the hands of suburbanites than there are in the hands of the city dwellers. That means they're in for a pretty good fight.

When you add to it the probability that the local suburban police are not too likely to crucify some poor bastard defending his home and hearth you can figure the average suburbanite is more likely to engage. I do not think this will go the way they have planned it.

What you are more likely to see is some Sunday morning Joe Citizen out mowing his lawn and having to stop to drag the body of the thug that tried to burn his house down Saturday night onto the freshly mowed part so he can continue mowing his lawn and not have to go around the body.

If they want to take it to the 'burbs, then take it to the wealthy part where the big shots that stir all of this up live. That's where the people that have made money keeping minorities stirred up live. The working stiff don't deserve this kind of crap. Not only that, they'll likely make it rather painful.


I just read where someone posted "The Koreans are returning to the rooftops, the earth is healing."

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Another dumbass.

Well, well, well. Another dumb $hit.
Someone asked what I do for a living and I told him I was an engineer for the UK government in the field of time observation. I told him I generally work from home except for twice a year when I direct operations at Stonehenge.
He asked what I did at Stonehenge and I explained to him that in the spring the stones have to be moved ahead for Daylight Savings time and in the fall they get moved back to UTC.
Hook, line and sinker.

And I knew I had another live one on the hook.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, June 1, 2020

Several years ago on one of the PBS channels I watched an interview with an old Civil Rights activist of the 60s. He spoke of the interesting times I grew up in and had a lot to say, really.

He said one of the biggest times he got floored was when he was talking to his grandmother about the upcoming Alabama state election. He wanted the old woman's take on it.

The old woman said, "You know, I think I'm going to vote for George Wallace. He's opened more trade and technical schools than any governor in history."

The old civil rights activist was floored. Here he was out there fighting against the biggest segregationist in the entire state and here his grandmother was going to vote for him!

When I heard that I was sort of stunned for a second or two until I realized that the old woman had a valid point. The grandson was fighting to be able to ride in the front of the bus and Grandma was looking at the young people being able to get decent jobs so they could simply be able to pay the fare to get on the bus in the first place.

It was an interesting and eye opening moment for me and it made me start to head to the 'follow the money' attitude I have these days.

There are a lot more important things out there than which part of the bus you ride on. First of all you need bus fare. This means money and money means a job. Black unemployment in Alabama at the time was pretty high and the few jobs available to blacks were generally hard manual labor. For anything above that one needed some kind of schooling.

A lot of people do not understand how important employment is. They HAVE a job, go to work, gripe, take their money and go home. They think that things like unemployment and welfare can fill the gap. It can't. One ends up with too much idle time on their hands and a lack of the dignity that goes along with being productive.

That feeling is probably a lot more important than which end of the bus you ride in. 

One of the things the president did that has been overlooked is that minority employment has been lifted to an all time high.

While the activist was certainly 100% spot on demanding equality he seemed to have forgotten the fact that in order to do much of anything one must eat. This generally requires a job.

Want to understand things a lot better? Follow the money.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY