Saturday, June 6, 2020

I just read where over 12 MILLION jobs have just opened up.

I also read where over 40% the Black community now supports President Trump. I do not know how accurate the figures are because I do not really trust polls all that much but the figure would not surprise me.

The economy seems to be bouncing back and that means jobs. Minority unemployment was at an all time low a while back before CORVID and it's probably going to bounce back.

I am old enough to remember LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many people will say it was important for the minority community. Just before he signed it he was heard to say, "When I sign this bill we'll have those ni&&ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." 

You may also feel free to dig into LBJ's civil rights voting record as a senator. It wasn't very pretty.

Johnson didn't give a damn about the black community. He supported the bill strictly for political purposes. He wanted their votes. It did work.

For decades the Democrats would promise the Black community the usual things, jobs, justice, education and head into the minority neighborhoods with the vans, load everyone up and cart them off to the polls.

Of course the day after election the Democrats would conveniently seem to forget the promises they made and leave the inner city Black community with worthless schools, unemployed and with business as usual. Par golf. As usual they were left with little hope to improve themselves.

What has done more for the Black community is the economy under President Trump. He's created JOBS. 

Minority unemployment is at an all time low. The black community is finding employment and with jobs there is hope. 

By having a thriving economy Trump has created something in the minority community that I have never seen in my life. He has created good, honest hope.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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