Wednesday, June 17, 2020

There is something about immigrants that I see tells me they have become Americans

I saw the guy around the corner using a portable weedburner, a tool I have not seen in use on a cobblestone driveway. I stopped and watched him use it for a few minutes and told him I had never seen a portable one before. The few I have seen used had 5 gallon propane tanks with them and really shot the flame out. This one was a lot smaller.

Anyway I checked it out. I'm not going to get one, though.

The guy burning weeds had a touch of an accent and I casually asked him what it was. He replied that it was Vietnamese.

With my usual deadpan straight face I said to him, "I thought you wuz Irish."

With an equally deadpan face he replied, "I get a lot of that."

"It's the red hair and freckles." I said.

We both laughed.

There is something in many immigrants that changes when the become Americans. They become wise asses like the rest of us.

I've seen it in other places. I have a Russian born barber that cuts my hair occasionally and I have watched him transform from shy immigrant to confident smartass American. That was a fun thing to watch.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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