Sunday, June 28, 2020

I see a bad moon rising

Trump isn't going to just walk back into the White House. I see a lot of fraud and other cheating in the wind and there's a pretty good chance he'll lose.

Prepare accordingly.

BLM and ANTIFA will be put back in their cages and told to stand down. The inner city black community will go back to the ghetto and be forgotten about until the next election and then they will, as usual, be bussed to the polls by their Democrat masters.

Minority unemployment will rise again and with it a lot of people are going to lose a lot of hope.

A lot of other people will wind up in the bread line, also as the economy will collapse and we'll probably go straight into a depression of untold magnitude.

If you are an inner city black you can go back to where you came from. The Democrats that have promised you things will just feed you an empty line and send you back home empty handed. You've been played again and there is nothing that is going to be done about it. You've served your purpose. You've done their dirty work for them.

Of course you probably don't realize that. The schools and education they promised you that would enable you to get a decent education never came to be. Why?

They want you kept ignorant and uninformed. It makes you easier to maniulate. The very people that claim to support you are sitting up in a mansion somewhere laughing at you for being dumb enough to do their dirty work for them

If anything, your existence will be worse, though. Your Democratic party big shots through BLM and ANTIFA have talked you into burning down your own neighborhood and the odds of many of these places are slim that they will be rebuilt. The 'hood just got to be even a worse place to live and if you were a looter or rioter you're responsible.

If you're just someone trying to get by and now have to walk two miles just to get a loaf of bread you can look at the Democrats for that. They're the ones that got your idiot neighbor's kid fired up out on the streets to riot and burn the supermarket down.

Someone's making money on this. Big money and it ain't you.   


One of the most tasteless songs I've ever heard came out in about 1972. The year 1970 is considered the year of the bombings. The song came out as the pieces were falling.

The song is on the National Lampoon Radio dinner album and is often referred to as 'Tregroes" because (like Blazing Saddles) it uses the dreaded N-word.

The point of the whole song is that (as usual) the inner city black community is being tricked into doing the dirty work of the left. They're being  played again to riot, loot and fight. Some of them will wind up getting hurt while the people that claim to support them all the way are sitting across the bay in their expensive homes laughing themselves silly.

It hasn't changed a bit and that was fifty years ago.

It's sad.  

Another thing that hasn't changed a whole lot is the vile bigotry of low expectations. Personally I think that one is getting worse.

Dr. King is spinning in his grave.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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