Thursday, June 11, 2020

The other day I got chided for using Roundup on weeds

which I was actually NOT using. I was using home made weed killer in an old Roundup sprayer.

It was treated to the usual braided armpit, hairy legged Birkenstock shoe, granola bar carrying organic hippie-dippie lecture. 

"I haven't used Roundup in a few years," I replied. "I am using a home made solution in an old Roundup sprayer. It is a mixture of organic white vinegar, Kosher salt and a little Dawn detergent. It should he carefully noted that Dawn is the detergent that is used to remove oil from birds and sea animals that get oil soaked in oil spill accidents."

She seemed somewhat mollified and wandered off.

Actually  it was just basic dime store vinegar and simple table salt but I figured the organic and Kosher was a nice touch to shut her the hell up.

The recipe: 1 gallon white vinegar, 1/2 pound of table salt and about a 1/2 cup of Dawn.

It isn't as efficient as Roundup but it works. I just hit everything once and for the next few days anything green in the driveway gets another soaking until it is 100% brown. Usually they're brown a day after the second soaking.

It is a whole lot cheaper and keeps the hippie community off of your ass.

Then again I suppose you can use Roundup in a garden sprayer if you want.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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