Saturday, November 14, 2020

I have always wondered what would happen if some Walmart hired a real nasty greeter.

The kind of person Danny DiVito would play. 

Just a nasty, snarling ball of hate, viciousness and abuse.

It would be a joy to walk into Walmart and ask the greeter how he was doing and have him reply "Not worth a $hit! Why? You writin' a book or somethin"? Well, leave my chapter out and make it  mystery!"

What would be even better is watching the look on some karen's face when he asks her if the kids she has with her are twins.

"Do they look like twins?" asked the karen.

"Nah. I was just wonderin' how you got anyone to screw you twice."

What is interesting to note is something like that has a better chance of catching on than you would think. 

I can picture some Karen complaining and demanding such a greeter get fired only to hear the manager tell her that he's the highest paid employee in the entire store, including him and people drive for  hours to come to that store to be insulted by him.

While I certainly wouldn't bet on it being successful, I sure wouldn't give any odds against it, either. Some pretty strange things have created some pretty whacked out cult followings.

If you don't believe me just Google "Edsel Ford Fong'.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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