Monday, November 1, 2021

I just got a thank you

for a wedding present I gave several years ago.

I gave them a small generator capable of running the furnace motor of their house.

While nobody gave me and guff about it, I did get a few odd looks, mainly from the womenfolk who wondered why I would give a generator as a wedding present.

It sat in their family shed for quite some time but they lost power the other day and with the loss of power they lost heat. 

He fired up the genset, attached it to the furnace and while they dodn't have lights and blow dryers etc they did have heat which is enough to keep the pipes from freezing and keep the house comfortable.

Anyway, I got a text thank you which made me feel pretty good because it means I did get a useful wedding gift for someone.

I've never figured out why people give crystal goblets and a bunch of other crap people will put in a cabinet and never use. One of my wife's ancient aunts understood. She sensibly gave us a set of cooler chests that served us well for years and thirty years later we still occasionally use them. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Practical gifts are very rarely appreciated by the fair sex...Give on a vacuum cleaner and stand back...

    1. And a vacuum cleaner isn't practical? How do you clean your home? What is your definition of practical? I guess the Unfair sex doesn't clean. 🤦😱

  2. Please read my reply to Beaner49. Nothing rebs me up more than what men think is practical or not practical. I despise men who think they know what we need.

  3. Another saying that I can't stand is when a woman stands her ground or is bitchy the man says all she needs is a good fuck...really.

  4. Beaner49s point is that too many wedding gifts are things like expensive silver that will be put away unused and other things that are not really useful.

    I remember a wedding gift of Wedgewood dishware my mother got that I never once ate off of. It was put away for special occasions that never seemed to happen.

  5. My point is as the saying goes, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Beaner49s words are very condescending towards women: fair sex, whoa stand back. I can hear the sarcasm dripping off his lips! He should be vacuumed up and thrown away. There are wedding registries that people can use to purchase gifts that the couple requests for their needs. Those are called "practical" gifts. How many people put a generator on a wedding registry? I get your point, and hope you get mine. sr
